2A:15-4. Actions which survive; torts committed by decedent
Where any testator or intestate shall, in his lifetime, have taken or carried away or converted to his use, the goods or chattels of any person, or shall, in his lifetime, have committed any trespass to the person or property, real or personal, of any person, such person, his executors or administrators, shall have and may maintain the same action against the executors or administrators of such testator or intestate as he or they might have had or maintained against the testator or intestate, and shall have the like remedy and process for the damages recovered in such action as are now had and allowed in other actions against executors or administrators.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
2A:15-3. Actions which survive; torts to decedent; funeral and burial expenses
2A:15-3. Actions which survive; torts to decedent; funeral and burial expenses
Executors and administrators may have an action for any trespass done to the person or property, real or personal, of their testator or intestate against the trespasser, and recover their damages as their testator or intestate would have had if he was living.
In those actions based upon the wrongful act, neglect, or default of another, where death resulted from injuries for which the deceased would have had a cause of action if he had lived, the executor or administrator may recover all reasonable funeral and burial expenses in addition to damages accrued during the lifetime of the deceased.
Executors and administrators may have an action for any trespass done to the person or property, real or personal, of their testator or intestate against the trespasser, and recover their damages as their testator or intestate would have had if he was living.
In those actions based upon the wrongful act, neglect, or default of another, where death resulted from injuries for which the deceased would have had a cause of action if he had lived, the executor or administrator may recover all reasonable funeral and burial expenses in addition to damages accrued during the lifetime of the deceased.
2A:15-2. Beneficiary in contract suing or defending
2A:15-2. Beneficiary in contract suing or defending
A person for whose benefit a contract is made, either simple or sealed, may sue thereon in any court and may use such contract as a matter of defense in an action against him although the consideration of the contract did not move from him
A person for whose benefit a contract is made, either simple or sealed, may sue thereon in any court and may use such contract as a matter of defense in an action against him although the consideration of the contract did not move from him
2A:15-1. Actions in person or by attorney
2A:15-1. Actions in person or by attorney
Every person of full age and sound mind may prosecute or defend any action in any court, in person or through another duly admitted to the practice of law in this state.
Every person of full age and sound mind may prosecute or defend any action in any court, in person or through another duly admitted to the practice of law in this state.
2A:14-34. Immateriality of descent cast
2A:14-34. Immateriality of descent cast
If the disseizor of an interest in real estate, having no right or title thereto, shall hereafter die seized of such interest, the descent of the right or title acquired by the disseizin to the heir of the disseizor shall not take away the right of entry of the person who, at the time of such descent, had lawful title.
If the disseizor of an interest in real estate, having no right or title thereto, shall hereafter die seized of such interest, the descent of the right or title acquired by the disseizin to the heir of the disseizor shall not take away the right of entry of the person who, at the time of such descent, had lawful title.
2A:14-33. Prescriptive right to maintain wires or cables
2A:14-33. Prescriptive right to maintain wires or cables
Whenever any wire or cable used for any telegraph, telephone, electric light, or other wire or cable for electric purposes, is or shall be attached to, or does or shall extend upon or over any building or land, no lapse of time whatsoever shall raise a presumption, or justify a prescription of any perpetual right to such attachment or extension.
Whenever any wire or cable used for any telegraph, telephone, electric light, or other wire or cable for electric purposes, is or shall be attached to, or does or shall extend upon or over any building or land, no lapse of time whatsoever shall raise a presumption, or justify a prescription of any perpetual right to such attachment or extension.
2A:14-32. Disabilities affecting right to enforce right or title to real estate
2A:14-32. Disabilities affecting right to enforce right or title to real estate
If any person having a right or title to real estate shall, at the time such right or title first accrued or descended, be either not of sound mind or under the age of 21 years, or without the United States, he, and his heirs, may, notwithstanding the fact that the periods of time mentioned in sections 2A:14-30 and 2A:14-31 of this title have expired, bring his or their action to enforce his or their right or title, if such action shall be commenced within 5 years after his disability is removed or he comes within the United States, but not thereafter.
If any person having a right or title to real estate shall, at the time such right or title first accrued or descended, be either not of sound mind or under the age of 21 years, or without the United States, he, and his heirs, may, notwithstanding the fact that the periods of time mentioned in sections 2A:14-30 and 2A:14-31 of this title have expired, bring his or their action to enforce his or their right or title, if such action shall be commenced within 5 years after his disability is removed or he comes within the United States, but not thereafter.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
2A:14-31. 30 years' actual possession of any real estate under claim or color of title
2A:14-31. 30 years' actual possession of any real estate under claim or color of title
Thirty years' actual possession of any real estate, uninterruptedly continued by occupancy, descent, conveyance or otherwise, wherever such possession commenced or is founded upon a proprietary right duly laid thereon, and recorded in the office of the surveyor general of the division in which the location was made, or in the office of the secretary of state, pursuant to law, or wherever such possession was obtained by a fair bona fide purchase of such real estate from any person in possession thereof and supposed to have a legal right and title thereto, or from the agent of such person, shall be a good and sufficient bar to all prior locations, rights, titles, conveyances, or claims whatever, not followed by actual possession as aforesaid, and shall vest an absolute right and title in the actual possessor and occupier of all such real estate.
Thirty years' actual possession of any real estate, uninterruptedly continued by occupancy, descent, conveyance or otherwise, wherever such possession commenced or is founded upon a proprietary right duly laid thereon, and recorded in the office of the surveyor general of the division in which the location was made, or in the office of the secretary of state, pursuant to law, or wherever such possession was obtained by a fair bona fide purchase of such real estate from any person in possession thereof and supposed to have a legal right and title thereto, or from the agent of such person, shall be a good and sufficient bar to all prior locations, rights, titles, conveyances, or claims whatever, not followed by actual possession as aforesaid, and shall vest an absolute right and title in the actual possessor and occupier of all such real estate.
2A:14-30. 30 years' possession of real estate, except woodlands or uncultivated tracts, and 60 years' possession of woodlands or uncultivated tracts
2A:14-30. 30 years' possession of real estate, except woodlands or uncultivated tracts, and 60 years' possession of woodlands or uncultivated tracts however commenced or continued
Thirty years' actual possession of any real estate excepting woodlands or uncultivated tracts, and 60 years' actual possession of woodlands or uncultivated tracts, uninterruptedly continued by occupancy, descent, conveyance or otherwise, shall, in whatever way or manner such possession might have commenced or have been continued, vest a full and complete right and title in every actual possessor or occupier of such real estate, woodlands or uncultivated tracts, and shall be a good and sufficient bar to all claims that may be made or actions commenced by any person whatsoever for the recovery of any such real estate, woodlands or uncultivated tracts.
Thirty years' actual possession of any real estate excepting woodlands or uncultivated tracts, and 60 years' actual possession of woodlands or uncultivated tracts, uninterruptedly continued by occupancy, descent, conveyance or otherwise, shall, in whatever way or manner such possession might have commenced or have been continued, vest a full and complete right and title in every actual possessor or occupier of such real estate, woodlands or uncultivated tracts, and shall be a good and sufficient bar to all claims that may be made or actions commenced by any person whatsoever for the recovery of any such real estate, woodlands or uncultivated tracts.
2A:14-29. Limitation of lien of civil recognizance
2A:14-29. Limitation of lien of civil recognizance
All recognizances of bail made or entered into before any court, judge or magistrate having civil jurisdiction, upon which no actions or proceedings to enforce or collect the same shall have been prosecuted to final judgment within a period of 6 years after the same shall have been filed and recorded in the clerk's office, shall no longer be a lien or charge upon or against any real estate of which any principal or surety named in any such recognizance was or shall have been seized at the time of his entering into such recognizance, or at any time thereafter.
All recognizances of bail made or entered into before any court, judge or magistrate having civil jurisdiction, upon which no actions or proceedings to enforce or collect the same shall have been prosecuted to final judgment within a period of 6 years after the same shall have been filed and recorded in the clerk's office, shall no longer be a lien or charge upon or against any real estate of which any principal or surety named in any such recognizance was or shall have been seized at the time of his entering into such recognizance, or at any time thereafter.
2A:14-28. New action after judgment reversed or relief granted
2A:14-28. New action after judgment reversed or relief granted
If, in any of the actions or proceedings specified in sections 2A:14-1 to 2A:14-19, sections 2A:14-22 to 2A:14-25 or section 2A:14-27 of this Title, judgment is given for the plaintiff therein, and such judgment is reversed on appeal, or, if a judgment pass for the plaintiff and, upon motion for relief from the judgment, judgment is given against him, the plaintiff, his heirs, executors or administrators, may commence a new action within 1 year next after the judgment is reversed or judgment is given against plaintiff, and not thereafter.
This section shall not apply to any action for breach of any contract for sale governed by section 12A:2-725 of the New Jersey Statutes
If, in any of the actions or proceedings specified in sections 2A:14-1 to 2A:14-19, sections 2A:14-22 to 2A:14-25 or section 2A:14-27 of this Title, judgment is given for the plaintiff therein, and such judgment is reversed on appeal, or, if a judgment pass for the plaintiff and, upon motion for relief from the judgment, judgment is given against him, the plaintiff, his heirs, executors or administrators, may commence a new action within 1 year next after the judgment is reversed or judgment is given against plaintiff, and not thereafter.
This section shall not apply to any action for breach of any contract for sale governed by section 12A:2-725 of the New Jersey Statutes
2A:14-26.2. Inapplicability of act
2A:14-26.2. Inapplicability of act
2. The provisions of this act shall be inapplicable to any civil action governed by the statute of limitations of another jurisdiction.
2A:14-27. Set-off
The limitations provided by this chapter shall apply to the case of any debt or demand for liquidated damages alleged by way of set-off.
2. The provisions of this act shall be inapplicable to any civil action governed by the statute of limitations of another jurisdiction.
2A:14-27. Set-off
The limitations provided by this chapter shall apply to the case of any debt or demand for liquidated damages alleged by way of set-off.
2A:14-26.1. Findings, declarations relative to statute of limitations regarding hemophiliacs infected with HIV, AIDS; accrual of actions
2A:14-26.1. Findings, declarations relative to statute of limitations regarding hemophiliacs infected with HIV, AIDS; accrual of actions
1. a. The Legislature finds and declares:
(1) Over one-half of the people with hemophilia in this country were infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the early 1980's from contaminated blood products.
(2) AIDS, unlike any other disease, stigmatizes and isolates its victims. Victims, their families and survivors have been reluctant to step forward and seek compensation for their injuries through the legal system because of their legitimate fear of attendant publicity.
(3) Because of this fear, many did not seek timely redress. They also were unaware that blood product manufacturers may have had the technical capacity at the time to address the situation and may have been responsible for their injuries. It is only very recently that a government-sponsored report was issued indicating that the blood products could have been virally inactivated prior to the advent of the AIDS epidemic among blood product recipients.
(4) The scientific complexity of the issue, the compelling psychological and emotional trauma associated with the disease, the lack of publicly available information and the lack of definitive studies at the time combined to create a singular, unique circumstance which existing limitations principles are ill-suited to address.
(5) This act will provide a remedy for the bar which may be imposed by the statute of limitations in these cases by setting a date certain for the accrual of the cause of action.
(6) The Legislature expresses no opinion as to whether any blood product manufacturers may, or may not, have actually been at fault for the contracting of HIV and AIDS among blood product recipients. It is simply the intent of the Legislature to allow these particular victims "their day in court" in light of the unique and extraordinary circumstances of their plight.
b. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the contrary, no action for damages based upon personal injury, survivorship or wrongful death brought against a proprietary manufacturer of blood products based on infusion of a blood product resulting in contracting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) shall be deemed to accrue prior to July 13, 1995.
c. The provisions of this act shall apply to all pending claims, including any action which has been filed with a court but not yet dismissed or finally adjudicated.
1. a. The Legislature finds and declares:
(1) Over one-half of the people with hemophilia in this country were infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the early 1980's from contaminated blood products.
(2) AIDS, unlike any other disease, stigmatizes and isolates its victims. Victims, their families and survivors have been reluctant to step forward and seek compensation for their injuries through the legal system because of their legitimate fear of attendant publicity.
(3) Because of this fear, many did not seek timely redress. They also were unaware that blood product manufacturers may have had the technical capacity at the time to address the situation and may have been responsible for their injuries. It is only very recently that a government-sponsored report was issued indicating that the blood products could have been virally inactivated prior to the advent of the AIDS epidemic among blood product recipients.
(4) The scientific complexity of the issue, the compelling psychological and emotional trauma associated with the disease, the lack of publicly available information and the lack of definitive studies at the time combined to create a singular, unique circumstance which existing limitations principles are ill-suited to address.
(5) This act will provide a remedy for the bar which may be imposed by the statute of limitations in these cases by setting a date certain for the accrual of the cause of action.
(6) The Legislature expresses no opinion as to whether any blood product manufacturers may, or may not, have actually been at fault for the contracting of HIV and AIDS among blood product recipients. It is simply the intent of the Legislature to allow these particular victims "their day in court" in light of the unique and extraordinary circumstances of their plight.
b. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the contrary, no action for damages based upon personal injury, survivorship or wrongful death brought against a proprietary manufacturer of blood products based on infusion of a blood product resulting in contracting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) shall be deemed to accrue prior to July 13, 1995.
c. The provisions of this act shall apply to all pending claims, including any action which has been filed with a court but not yet dismissed or finally adjudicated.
2A:14-26. Military or naval service during war; effect on limitations
2A:14-26. Military or naval service during war; effect on limitations
The period of service, in time of war and 6 months thereafter, of any person, in active service in any of the armed forces of the United States, or the women's auxiliary corps, the women's reserve of the naval reserve, or any similar organization authorized by the United States to serve with its armed forces, shall not be included in computing any period limited on April 16, 1945, or thereafter by any law for the bringing of any action by or against any such person or by or against his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, whether such cause of action shall have accrued prior to, or during, the period of such service or during such 6 months thereafter.
The period of service, in time of war and 6 months thereafter, of any person, in active service in any of the armed forces of the United States, or the women's auxiliary corps, the women's reserve of the naval reserve, or any similar organization authorized by the United States to serve with its armed forces, shall not be included in computing any period limited on April 16, 1945, or thereafter by any law for the bringing of any action by or against any such person or by or against his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, whether such cause of action shall have accrued prior to, or during, the period of such service or during such 6 months thereafter.
2A:14-25. Indorsement or memorandum of payment on written obligation; effect
2A:14-25. Indorsement or memorandum of payment on written obligation; effect
No indorsement or memorandum of any payment written or made upon a promissory note, bill of exchange or other writing, by or on behalf of the party to whom the payment is made, shall be deemed sufficient proof of such payment so as to take the case out of the operation of this chapter.
No indorsement or memorandum of any payment written or made upon a promissory note, bill of exchange or other writing, by or on behalf of the party to whom the payment is made, shall be deemed sufficient proof of such payment so as to take the case out of the operation of this chapter.
2A:14-24. Acknowledgment or new promise
2A:14-24. Acknowledgment or new promise
In actions at law grounded on any simple contract, no acknowledgment or promise by words only shall be deemed sufficient evidence of a new or continuing contract, so as to take any case out of the operation of this chapter, or to deprive any person of the benefit thereof, unless such acknowledgment or promise shall be made or continued by or in some writing to be signed by the party chargeable thereby.
Where there shall be 2 or more joint contractors or executors or administrators of any contractor, no such joint contractor, executor or administrator shall lose the benefit of this chapter so as to be chargeable in respect or by reason only of any written acknowledgment or promise signed by another or others of them. If, in an action against 2 or more joint contractors, or executors or administrators of a contractor, it appears at the trial or otherwise that the plaintiff, although barred as to 1 or more of such joint contractors, or executors or administrators, shall, nevertheless be entitled to recover against any other or others of the defendants by virtue of a new acknowledgment or promise, or otherwise, judgment may be given, with costs, for the plaintiff as to such defendant or defendants, against whom he shall recover, and for the other defendant or defendants against the plaintiff.
Nothing in this section shall take away, lessen or alter the effect of any payment of principal or interest made by any person whatsoever on the obligation in suit.
In actions at law grounded on any simple contract, no acknowledgment or promise by words only shall be deemed sufficient evidence of a new or continuing contract, so as to take any case out of the operation of this chapter, or to deprive any person of the benefit thereof, unless such acknowledgment or promise shall be made or continued by or in some writing to be signed by the party chargeable thereby.
Where there shall be 2 or more joint contractors or executors or administrators of any contractor, no such joint contractor, executor or administrator shall lose the benefit of this chapter so as to be chargeable in respect or by reason only of any written acknowledgment or promise signed by another or others of them. If, in an action against 2 or more joint contractors, or executors or administrators of a contractor, it appears at the trial or otherwise that the plaintiff, although barred as to 1 or more of such joint contractors, or executors or administrators, shall, nevertheless be entitled to recover against any other or others of the defendants by virtue of a new acknowledgment or promise, or otherwise, judgment may be given, with costs, for the plaintiff as to such defendant or defendants, against whom he shall recover, and for the other defendant or defendants against the plaintiff.
Nothing in this section shall take away, lessen or alter the effect of any payment of principal or interest made by any person whatsoever on the obligation in suit.
2A:14-23.1. Cause of action belonging to decedent
2A:14-23.1. Cause of action belonging to decedent
No statute of limitation running on a cause of action belonging to a decedent which had not been barred as of the date of his death, shall apply to bar a cause of action surviving the decedent's death sooner than 6 months after death. A cause of action which, but for this section, would have been barred less than 6 months after death, is barred 6 months after death, unless tolled.
No statute of limitation running on a cause of action belonging to a decedent which had not been barred as of the date of his death, shall apply to bar a cause of action surviving the decedent's death sooner than 6 months after death. A cause of action which, but for this section, would have been barred less than 6 months after death, is barred 6 months after death, unless tolled.
2A:14-23. Death of person liable
2A:14-23. Death of person liable
If any person against whom there is any of the causes of action specified in sections 2A:14-1, 2A:14-2, 2A:14-4, 2A:14-5 and 2A:14-8 of this title, or if any surety against whom there is a cause of action specified in any of the sections of article 2 of this chapter, dies before the expiration of the time limited thereby, the space of 6 months next succeeding such death shall not be computed as a part of the period of time within which the action is required by the section to be commenced.
If any person against whom there is any of the causes of action specified in sections 2A:14-1, 2A:14-2, 2A:14-4, 2A:14-5 and 2A:14-8 of this title, or if any surety against whom there is a cause of action specified in any of the sections of article 2 of this chapter, dies before the expiration of the time limited thereby, the space of 6 months next succeeding such death shall not be computed as a part of the period of time within which the action is required by the section to be commenced.
2A:14-22. Tolling of statute of limitations
2A:14-22. Tolling of statute of limitations
2A:14-22. a. If (1) any person against whom there is any of the causes of action specified in sections 2A:14-1 to 2A:14-5 and 2A:14-8, or if any surety against whom there is a cause of action specified in any of the sections of article 2 of this chapter, is not a resident of this State when such cause of action accrues, or removes from this State after the accrual thereof and before the expiration of the times limited in said sections, or if any corporation or corporate surety not organized under the laws of this State, against whom there is such a cause of action, is not represented in this State by any person or officer upon whom summons or other original process may be served, when such cause of action accrues or at any time before the expiration of the times so limited, and (2) it appears by affidavit of plaintiff's attorney or of any person having knowledge of the facts that, after diligent inquiry and effort, long-arm service cannot be effectuated, the time or times during which such person or surety is not residing within this State or such corporation or corporate surety is not so represented within this State shall not be computed as part of the periods of time within which such an action is required to be commenced by the section. The person entitled to any such action may commence the same after the accrual of the cause therefor, within the period of time limited therefor by said section, exclusive of such time or times of nonresidence or nonrepresentation.
b. A corporation shall be deemed represented for purposes of this section if the corporation has filed with the Secretary of State a notice designating a representative to accept service of process.
c. A person shall be deemed a resident for purposes of this section if such person has filed with the Secretary of State a notice designating a representative to accept service of process.
d. A designation by a corporation pursuant to subsection b. of this section or by a person pursuant to subsection c. of this section shall expose such corporation or person to suit only as to those causes of action as to which such corporation or person has sufficient contacts with this State to satisfy the requirements of due process of law.
2A:14-22. a. If (1) any person against whom there is any of the causes of action specified in sections 2A:14-1 to 2A:14-5 and 2A:14-8, or if any surety against whom there is a cause of action specified in any of the sections of article 2 of this chapter, is not a resident of this State when such cause of action accrues, or removes from this State after the accrual thereof and before the expiration of the times limited in said sections, or if any corporation or corporate surety not organized under the laws of this State, against whom there is such a cause of action, is not represented in this State by any person or officer upon whom summons or other original process may be served, when such cause of action accrues or at any time before the expiration of the times so limited, and (2) it appears by affidavit of plaintiff's attorney or of any person having knowledge of the facts that, after diligent inquiry and effort, long-arm service cannot be effectuated, the time or times during which such person or surety is not residing within this State or such corporation or corporate surety is not so represented within this State shall not be computed as part of the periods of time within which such an action is required to be commenced by the section. The person entitled to any such action may commence the same after the accrual of the cause therefor, within the period of time limited therefor by said section, exclusive of such time or times of nonresidence or nonrepresentation.
b. A corporation shall be deemed represented for purposes of this section if the corporation has filed with the Secretary of State a notice designating a representative to accept service of process.
c. A person shall be deemed a resident for purposes of this section if such person has filed with the Secretary of State a notice designating a representative to accept service of process.
d. A designation by a corporation pursuant to subsection b. of this section or by a person pursuant to subsection c. of this section shall expose such corporation or person to suit only as to those causes of action as to which such corporation or person has sufficient contacts with this State to satisfy the requirements of due process of law.
2A:14-21 Disabilities affecting limitations; action on behalf of minor.
2A:14-21 Disabilities affecting limitations; action on behalf of minor.
2A:14-21. If any person entitled to any of the actions or proceedings specified in N.J.S.2A:14-1 to 2A:14-8 or N.J.S.2A:14-16 to 2A:14-20 or to a right or title of entry under N.J.S.2A:14-6 is or shall be, at the time of any such cause of action or right or title accruing, under the age of 21 years, or insane, such person may commence such action or make such entry, within such time as limited by those statutes, after his coming to or being of full age or of sane mind. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section to the contrary, an action by or on behalf of a minor that has accrued for medical malpractice for injuries sustained at birth shall be commenced prior to the minor's 13th birthday, as provided in N.J.S.2A:14-2.
2A:14-21. If any person entitled to any of the actions or proceedings specified in N.J.S.2A:14-1 to 2A:14-8 or N.J.S.2A:14-16 to 2A:14-20 or to a right or title of entry under N.J.S.2A:14-6 is or shall be, at the time of any such cause of action or right or title accruing, under the age of 21 years, or insane, such person may commence such action or make such entry, within such time as limited by those statutes, after his coming to or being of full age or of sane mind. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section to the contrary, an action by or on behalf of a minor that has accrued for medical malpractice for injuries sustained at birth shall be commenced prior to the minor's 13th birthday, as provided in N.J.S.2A:14-2.
2A:14-20. 16 years; actions on prison limits bonds
2A:14-20. 16 years; actions on prison limits bonds
No action at law brought upon a prison limits bond, given to the sheriff of any county by an insolvent debtor or person arrested upon final process in a civil action, shall in any way operate against or affect the sureties named in and bound by the bond, unless such action shall be commenced within 16 years next after the date of the bond
No action at law brought upon a prison limits bond, given to the sheriff of any county by an insolvent debtor or person arrested upon final process in a civil action, shall in any way operate against or affect the sureties named in and bound by the bond, unless such action shall be commenced within 16 years next after the date of the bond
Friday, October 23, 2009
NJSA 2A:14-19. 10 years; actions on bonds of municipal magistrates
NJSA 2A:14-19. 10 years; actions on bonds of municipal magistrates
No action at law brought upon a bond given by any municipal magistrate and his sureties or by the clerk of any municipal court and his sureties shall in any way operate against or affect the sureties named in and bound by the bond, unless such action shall be commenced within 10 years next after the date of the bond.
No action at law brought upon a bond given by any municipal magistrate and his sureties or by the clerk of any municipal court and his sureties shall in any way operate against or affect the sureties named in and bound by the bond, unless such action shall be commenced within 10 years next after the date of the bond.
NJSA 2A:14-18. 4 years; actions on bonds of constables
NJSA 2A:14-18. 4 years; actions on bonds of constables
No action at law brought upon any bond given by any constable and his sureties for the faithful performance of all duties enjoined on him as constable shall in any way operate against or affect the sureties named in and bound by the bond, unless such action shall be commenced within 4 years next after the date of the bond.
No action at law brought upon any bond given by any constable and his sureties for the faithful performance of all duties enjoined on him as constable shall in any way operate against or affect the sureties named in and bound by the bond, unless such action shall be commenced within 4 years next after the date of the bond.
NJSA 2A:14-17. 9 years; actions on bonds of sheriffs, county treasurers and municipal collectors or treasurers
NJSA 2A:14-17. 9 years; actions on bonds of sheriffs, county treasurers and municipal collectors or treasurers
No action at law brought upon any bond given by any sheriff and his sureties for the faithful performance of the office of sheriff, or by any county treasurer and his sureties for the faithful performance of the duties of the office of such treasurer, or by any collector or treasurer of any municipality and his sureties for the faithful performance of the duties of the office of such collector or treasurer, shall in any way operate against or affect the sureties named in and bound by the bond, unless such action shall be commenced within 9 years next after the date of the bond.
No action at law brought upon any bond given by any sheriff and his sureties for the faithful performance of the office of sheriff, or by any county treasurer and his sureties for the faithful performance of the duties of the office of such treasurer, or by any collector or treasurer of any municipality and his sureties for the faithful performance of the duties of the office of such collector or treasurer, shall in any way operate against or affect the sureties named in and bound by the bond, unless such action shall be commenced within 9 years next after the date of the bond.
NJSA 2A:14-14. 60 years; claims to real estate by devisees under invalid will as heirs to other real estate mentioned therein
NJSA 2A:14-14. 60 years; claims to real estate by devisees under invalid will as heirs to other real estate mentioned therein
Where lands are attempted to be devised to 2 or more persons, the heirs of the decedent, in severalty by a writing purporting to be a last will which, though executed by the owner of such lands in the presence of 2 or more witnesses, is inoperative and void as a will, and such persons, their heirs, executors and assigns, remain for a period of 60 years after the death of such decedent in the actual or constructive possession of the land, so purporting to be devised to them, and the writing mentions other land not purporting to be devised to them, every such person, his heirs, executors and assigns, shall be estopped from claiming any right, title or interest in any land mentioned in such writing, other than that attempted to be devised to such person in severalty. No action shall be brought by any such persons, their heirs, executors or assigns, to enforce any right or claim as heir of such decedent in the other lands mentioned in such writing.
Where lands are attempted to be devised to 2 or more persons, the heirs of the decedent, in severalty by a writing purporting to be a last will which, though executed by the owner of such lands in the presence of 2 or more witnesses, is inoperative and void as a will, and such persons, their heirs, executors and assigns, remain for a period of 60 years after the death of such decedent in the actual or constructive possession of the land, so purporting to be devised to them, and the writing mentions other land not purporting to be devised to them, every such person, his heirs, executors and assigns, shall be estopped from claiming any right, title or interest in any land mentioned in such writing, other than that attempted to be devised to such person in severalty. No action shall be brought by any such persons, their heirs, executors or assigns, to enforce any right or claim as heir of such decedent in the other lands mentioned in such writing.
NJSA 2A:14-13. Enforcement of mortgage judgment or lien
NJSA 2A:14-13. Enforcement of mortgage judgment or lien
Section 2A:14-12 of this title shall not be construed to preclude the holder of a mortgage judgment or lien upon and enforceable against the vacated lands from enforcing such mortgage judgment or lien.
Section 2A:14-12 of this title shall not be construed to preclude the holder of a mortgage judgment or lien upon and enforceable against the vacated lands from enforcing such mortgage judgment or lien.
NJSA 2A:14-12. 2 years; persons claiming interest in park lands not accepted by municipality
NJSA 2A:14-12. 2 years; persons claiming interest in park lands not accepted by municipality
Whenever any municipality shall after July 24, 1950 adopt any ordinance vacating any park or park lands or any part thereof, which shall have heretofore been dedicated by map, plat, deed, deed reference or otherwise but shall not have been accepted by such municipality, any person or persons, other than the owner of the fee title therein, having or claiming any easement, right, or interest in the lands vacated, shall be precluded from bringing an action to establish such easement, right, or interest therein unless:
a. Such person shall, within 2 years after the effective date of such ordinance, commence and diligently prosecute an action or actions in the superior court to establish such easement, right, or interest in the lands vacated against the owner or owners of record of the fee title of said lands, and
b. Such person shall, within 10 days after the filing of his complaint in such action file in the office of the recording officer, as the case may be, of the county where the lands vacated are situated, a written notice of the pendency of the action pursuant to article 2 of chapter 15 of Title 2A.
Whenever any municipality shall after July 24, 1950 adopt any ordinance vacating any park or park lands or any part thereof, which shall have heretofore been dedicated by map, plat, deed, deed reference or otherwise but shall not have been accepted by such municipality, any person or persons, other than the owner of the fee title therein, having or claiming any easement, right, or interest in the lands vacated, shall be precluded from bringing an action to establish such easement, right, or interest therein unless:
a. Such person shall, within 2 years after the effective date of such ordinance, commence and diligently prosecute an action or actions in the superior court to establish such easement, right, or interest in the lands vacated against the owner or owners of record of the fee title of said lands, and
b. Such person shall, within 10 days after the filing of his complaint in such action file in the office of the recording officer, as the case may be, of the county where the lands vacated are situated, a written notice of the pendency of the action pursuant to article 2 of chapter 15 of Title 2A.
NJSA 2A:14-11. 1 year; action on vacation of public rights by ordinance; park lands accepted by municipality
NJSA 2A:14-11. 1 year; action on vacation of public rights by ordinance; park lands accepted by municipality
Whenever any municipality has heretofore adopted, or shall hereafter adopt, any ordinance vacating, extinguishing, or releasing the public rights in any road, street, avenue, public highway, lane, alley, path, park, square or pleasure grounds, or any part thereof, any person or persons having or claiming any right, title or interest in such road, street, avenue, public highway, lane, alley, path, park, square or pleasure grounds, or any part thereof, or the lands included therein, in which said public rights have been vacated, extinguished or released, shall bring his action or actions respecting the same within 1 year of the date of adoption of such ordinance, or in case such ordinance shall have been adopted prior to July 3, 1950, then before July 3, 1951, and not otherwise; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to any person or persons owning lands, of any interest therein, abutting any part of such road, street, avenue, public highway, lane, alley or path in which the public rights have been vacated, extinguished or released, or whose right of ingress and egress to a public street or highway is solely over such road, street, avenue, public highway, lane, alley or path in which the public rights were vacated, extinguished or released.
Whenever any municipality has heretofore adopted, or shall hereafter adopt, any ordinance vacating, extinguishing, or releasing the public rights in any road, street, avenue, public highway, lane, alley, path, park, square or pleasure grounds, or any part thereof, any person or persons having or claiming any right, title or interest in such road, street, avenue, public highway, lane, alley, path, park, square or pleasure grounds, or any part thereof, or the lands included therein, in which said public rights have been vacated, extinguished or released, shall bring his action or actions respecting the same within 1 year of the date of adoption of such ordinance, or in case such ordinance shall have been adopted prior to July 3, 1950, then before July 3, 1951, and not otherwise; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to any person or persons owning lands, of any interest therein, abutting any part of such road, street, avenue, public highway, lane, alley or path in which the public rights have been vacated, extinguished or released, or whose right of ingress and egress to a public street or highway is solely over such road, street, avenue, public highway, lane, alley or path in which the public rights were vacated, extinguished or released.
NJSA 2A:14-10. 2 years and 1 year; actions on penal statutes
NJSA 2A:14-10. 2 years and 1 year; actions on penal statutes
All actions at law brought for any forfeiture upon any penal statute made or to be made, shall be commenced within the periods of time herein prescribed:
a. Within 2 years next after the offense committed or to be committed against the statute, when the forfeiture is or shall be limited by the statute to the state of New Jersey only;
b. Within 2 years next after the offense committed or to be committed against the statute, or cause of action accrued, when the benefit of the forfeiture and the action therefor is or shall be limited or given to the party aggrieved;
c. Within 1 year next after the offense committed or to be committed against the statute, when the benefit of the forfeiture and the action therefor is or shall be limited or given by the statute to any person who shall prosecute for the same, or to the state of New Jersey, and to any other who shall prosecute in that behalf, except that, in default of such action, the same shall be brought for the state of New Jersey, at any time within 1 year after the termination of the aforesaid year;
d. Within 1 year next after the offense committed or to be committed against the statute, when the forfeiture is or shall be limited by the statute to any county or municipality, or to any officer of such county or municipality, or to any person for the use of such county or municipality, or to the use of the poor of such municipality, either in whole or together with any other person who may lawfully sue for the same.
Where, however, by any statute made or to be made it is provided that any such action is to be brought within a shorter time than that prescribed by this section, such action shall be commenced within the time so provided by that statute.
All actions at law brought for any forfeiture upon any penal statute made or to be made, shall be commenced within the periods of time herein prescribed:
a. Within 2 years next after the offense committed or to be committed against the statute, when the forfeiture is or shall be limited by the statute to the state of New Jersey only;
b. Within 2 years next after the offense committed or to be committed against the statute, or cause of action accrued, when the benefit of the forfeiture and the action therefor is or shall be limited or given to the party aggrieved;
c. Within 1 year next after the offense committed or to be committed against the statute, when the benefit of the forfeiture and the action therefor is or shall be limited or given by the statute to any person who shall prosecute for the same, or to the state of New Jersey, and to any other who shall prosecute in that behalf, except that, in default of such action, the same shall be brought for the state of New Jersey, at any time within 1 year after the termination of the aforesaid year;
d. Within 1 year next after the offense committed or to be committed against the statute, when the forfeiture is or shall be limited by the statute to any county or municipality, or to any officer of such county or municipality, or to any person for the use of such county or municipality, or to the use of the poor of such municipality, either in whole or together with any other person who may lawfully sue for the same.
Where, however, by any statute made or to be made it is provided that any such action is to be brought within a shorter time than that prescribed by this section, such action shall be commenced within the time so provided by that statute.
NJSA 2A:14-9. 2 months; actions against sheriffs by claimants of personal property attached or levied upon under execution
NJSA 2A:14-9. 2 months; actions against sheriffs by claimants of personal property attached or levied upon under execution
Where a person other than a defendant in attachment or execution lays claim to personal property attached, levied upon, taken or sold by a sheriff or other officer, by virtue of a writ of attachment or execution issuing out of any court of this state, no action shall lie or be brought by the claimant against such sheriff or other officer, either in his official or individual capacity, or against the agent of or person acting for him, to enforce the claim against the sheriff or other officer, agent or person, for such attachment, levy, taking or sale, or to recover the proceeds of such a sale, unless the same is commenced within 2 months from the time the claimant delivers a written notice of his claim to the sheriff or other officer, his attorney or agent. If no such written notice has been delivered to him, the sheriff or other officer may give written notice of the attachment, levy, taking or sale to any person who he may have reason to suppose claims, or before a sale claimed, the property so attached, levied upon, taken or sold; and such person shall thereupon, and within 2 months from the receipt by him of such notice, bring his action against the sheriff or other officer, or the agent or person acting for him, for the enforcement of his claim, or for damages for such attachment, levy, taking or sale, or for the proceeds of such a sale, or be forever thereafter barred therefrom.
This section shall not be construed to affect in any way the liability of any person except such sheriff or officer, in his official capacity and personally, and the agent of such sheriff or officer.
Where a person other than a defendant in attachment or execution lays claim to personal property attached, levied upon, taken or sold by a sheriff or other officer, by virtue of a writ of attachment or execution issuing out of any court of this state, no action shall lie or be brought by the claimant against such sheriff or other officer, either in his official or individual capacity, or against the agent of or person acting for him, to enforce the claim against the sheriff or other officer, agent or person, for such attachment, levy, taking or sale, or to recover the proceeds of such a sale, unless the same is commenced within 2 months from the time the claimant delivers a written notice of his claim to the sheriff or other officer, his attorney or agent. If no such written notice has been delivered to him, the sheriff or other officer may give written notice of the attachment, levy, taking or sale to any person who he may have reason to suppose claims, or before a sale claimed, the property so attached, levied upon, taken or sold; and such person shall thereupon, and within 2 months from the receipt by him of such notice, bring his action against the sheriff or other officer, or the agent or person acting for him, for the enforcement of his claim, or for damages for such attachment, levy, taking or sale, or for the proceeds of such a sale, or be forever thereafter barred therefrom.
This section shall not be construed to affect in any way the liability of any person except such sheriff or officer, in his official capacity and personally, and the agent of such sheriff or officer.
NJSA 2A:14-8. 20 years; actions by state for real estate or rents
NJSA 2A:14-8. 20 years; actions by state for real estate or rents
No person or body politic or corporate shall be sued or impleaded by the state of New Jersey for any real estate, or for any rents, revenues, issues or profits thereof, except within 20 years next after the right or title thereto or cause of such action shall have accrued.
No person or body politic or corporate shall be sued or impleaded by the state of New Jersey for any real estate, or for any rents, revenues, issues or profits thereof, except within 20 years next after the right or title thereto or cause of such action shall have accrued.
NJSA 2A:14-7. 20 years; real actions
NJSA 2A:14-7. 20 years; real actions
Every action at law for real estate shall be commenced within 20 years next after the right or title thereto, or cause of such action shall have accrued.
Every action at law for real estate shall be commenced within 20 years next after the right or title thereto, or cause of such action shall have accrued.
NJSA 2A:14-6. 20 years; right of entry into real estate
NJSA 2A:14-6. 20 years; right of entry into real estate
Every person having any right or title of entry into real estate shall make such entry within 20 years next after the accrual of such right or title of entry, or be barred therefrom thereafter.
Every person having any right or title of entry into real estate shall make such entry within 20 years next after the accrual of such right or title of entry, or be barred therefrom thereafter.
NJSA 2A:14-5. 20 years; judgments
NJSA 2A:14-5. 20 years; judgments
A judgment in any court of record in this state may be revived by proper proceedings or an action at law may be commenced thereon within 20 years next after the date thereof, but not thereafter. An action may be commenced on a judgment obtained in any other state or country within 20 years next after the date thereof or within the period in which a like action might be brought thereon in that state or country, whichever period is shorter, but not thereafter.
A judgment in any court of record in this state may be revived by proper proceedings or an action at law may be commenced thereon within 20 years next after the date thereof, but not thereafter. An action may be commenced on a judgment obtained in any other state or country within 20 years next after the date thereof or within the period in which a like action might be brought thereon in that state or country, whichever period is shorter, but not thereafter.
NJSA 2A:14-4. Actions on lease, specialty, recognizance or award; 16 years; effect of payments; action on instrument under seal brought by merchant
NJSA 2A:14-4. Actions on lease, specialty, recognizance or award; 16 years; effect of payments; action on instrument under seal brought by merchant or financial institution; 6 years
Every action at law for rent or arrears of rent, founded upon a lease under seal, every action at law upon a single or penal bill under seal for the payment of money only, upon an obligation under seal conditioned for the payment of money only, upon a recognizance or upon an award under the hands and seals of arbitrators for the payment of money only shall be commenced within 16 years next after the cause of any such action shall have accrued. If, however, any payment is made on any such lease, specialty, recognizance or award within or after such period of 16 years, an action thereon may be commenced within 16 years next after such payment, and not thereafter.
This section shall not apply to any action for breach of any contract for sale governed by N.J.S. 12A:2-725.
This section shall also not apply to any action founded upon an instrument under seal brought by a merchant or bank, finance company, or other financial institution. Any such action shall be commenced within 6 years next after the cause of any such action shall have accrued.
Every action at law for rent or arrears of rent, founded upon a lease under seal, every action at law upon a single or penal bill under seal for the payment of money only, upon an obligation under seal conditioned for the payment of money only, upon a recognizance or upon an award under the hands and seals of arbitrators for the payment of money only shall be commenced within 16 years next after the cause of any such action shall have accrued. If, however, any payment is made on any such lease, specialty, recognizance or award within or after such period of 16 years, an action thereon may be commenced within 16 years next after such payment, and not thereafter.
This section shall not apply to any action for breach of any contract for sale governed by N.J.S. 12A:2-725.
This section shall also not apply to any action founded upon an instrument under seal brought by a merchant or bank, finance company, or other financial institution. Any such action shall be commenced within 6 years next after the cause of any such action shall have accrued.
NJSA 2A:14-3. 1 year; libel or slander STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS
NJSA 2A:14-3. 1 year; libel or slander STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS
Every action at law for libel or slander shall be commenced within 1 year next after the publication of the alleged libel or slander.
Every action at law for libel or slander shall be commenced within 1 year next after the publication of the alleged libel or slander.
NJSA 2A:14-2.1. 2 years; action by parent or other person for injury to minor child; joinder with action on behalf of minor child
NJSA 2A:14-2.1. 2 years; action by parent or other person for injury to minor child; joinder with action on behalf of minor child
Where a parent or other person has a claim for damages suffered by him because of an injury to a minor child caused by the wrongful act, neglect or default of any person within this State, an action at law upon such claim may be commenced by the said parent or other person within the same period of time as provided by law in the case of the said minor child so injured, provided that, if an action is commenced by or on behalf of the said minor child, the said claim of the parent or other person shall be asserted and maintained in such action brought on behalf of the injured minor child either as a plaintiff or third party plaintiff and if not so asserted shall be barred by the judgment in the action brought on behalf of said injured minor child.
Where a parent or other person has a claim for damages suffered by him because of an injury to a minor child caused by the wrongful act, neglect or default of any person within this State, an action at law upon such claim may be commenced by the said parent or other person within the same period of time as provided by law in the case of the said minor child so injured, provided that, if an action is commenced by or on behalf of the said minor child, the said claim of the parent or other person shall be asserted and maintained in such action brought on behalf of the injured minor child either as a plaintiff or third party plaintiff and if not so asserted shall be barred by the judgment in the action brought on behalf of said injured minor child.
NJSA 2A:14-2 Actions for injury caused by wrongful act, appointment of guardian ad litem. PERSONAL INJURY
NJSA 2A:14-2 Actions for injury caused by wrongful act, appointment of guardian ad litem. PERSONAL INJURY
2A:14-2. a. Every action at law for an injury to the person caused by the wrongful act, neglect or default of any person within this State shall be commenced within two years next after the cause of any such action shall have accrued; except that an action by or on behalf of a minor that has accrued for medical malpractice for injuries sustained at birth shall be commenced prior to the minor's 13th birthday.
b.In the event that an action by or on behalf of a minor that has accrued for medical malpractice for injuries sustained at birth is not commenced by the minor's parent or guardian prior to the minor's 12th birthday, the minor or a person 18 years of age or older designated by the minor to act on the minor's behalf may commence such an action. For this purpose, the minor or designated person may petition the court for the appointment of a guardian ad litem to act on the minor's behalf.
2A:14-2. a. Every action at law for an injury to the person caused by the wrongful act, neglect or default of any person within this State shall be commenced within two years next after the cause of any such action shall have accrued; except that an action by or on behalf of a minor that has accrued for medical malpractice for injuries sustained at birth shall be commenced prior to the minor's 13th birthday.
b.In the event that an action by or on behalf of a minor that has accrued for medical malpractice for injuries sustained at birth is not commenced by the minor's parent or guardian prior to the minor's 12th birthday, the minor or a person 18 years of age or older designated by the minor to act on the minor's behalf may commence such an action. For this purpose, the minor or designated person may petition the court for the appointment of a guardian ad litem to act on the minor's behalf.
NJSA 2A:14-1.4. Inapplicability of time limitation for adverse possession cases
NJSA 2A:14-1.4. Inapplicability of time limitation for adverse possession cases
3.The 10-year time period limitation on actions for the statute of repose set forth in section 1 of P.L.1967, c.59 (C.2A:14-1.1) for surveying shall not be applicable to cases of adverse possession. In adverse possession cases the statute of repose for surveying shall be coterminous with the time period required for the adverse possession.
3.The 10-year time period limitation on actions for the statute of repose set forth in section 1 of P.L.1967, c.59 (C.2A:14-1.1) for surveying shall not be applicable to cases of adverse possession. In adverse possession cases the statute of repose for surveying shall be coterminous with the time period required for the adverse possession.
NJSA 2A:14-1.3. Prohibition of certain actions after 10 years
NJSA 2A:14-1.3. Prohibition of certain actions after 10 years
2.No action whether in contract, in tort or otherwise to recover damages for any deficiency in a survey of real property performed under contract for any purpose other than for any improvement to real property shall be taken against any person performing or furnishing such survey more than 10 years after the performance or furnishing of such survey.
2.No action whether in contract, in tort or otherwise to recover damages for any deficiency in a survey of real property performed under contract for any purpose other than for any improvement to real property shall be taken against any person performing or furnishing such survey more than 10 years after the performance or furnishing of such survey.
NJSA 2A:14-1.2. Civil actions commenced by the State, 10 years; "State" defined; exceptions
NJSA 2A:14-1.2. Civil actions commenced by the State, 10 years; "State" defined; exceptions
2. a. Except where a limitations provision expressly and specifically applies to actions commenced by the State or where a longer limitations period would otherwise apply, and subject to any statutory provisions or common law rules extending limitations periods, any civil action commenced by the State shall be commenced within ten years next after the cause of action shall have accrued.
b.For purposes of determining whether an action subject to the limitations period specified in subsection a. of this section has been commenced within time, no such action shall be deemed to have accrued prior to January 1, 1992.
c.As used in this act, the term "State" means the State, its political subdivisions, any office, department, division, bureau, board, commission or agency of the State or one of its political subdivisions, and any public authority or public agency, including, but not limited to, the New Jersey Transit Corporation and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to any civil action commenced by the State concerning the remediation of a contaminated site or the closure of a sanitary landfill facility, or the payment of compensation for damage to, or loss of, natural resources due to the discharge of a hazardous substance, and subject to the limitations period specified in section 5 of P.L.2001, c.154 (C.58:10B-17.1)
2. a. Except where a limitations provision expressly and specifically applies to actions commenced by the State or where a longer limitations period would otherwise apply, and subject to any statutory provisions or common law rules extending limitations periods, any civil action commenced by the State shall be commenced within ten years next after the cause of action shall have accrued.
b.For purposes of determining whether an action subject to the limitations period specified in subsection a. of this section has been commenced within time, no such action shall be deemed to have accrued prior to January 1, 1992.
c.As used in this act, the term "State" means the State, its political subdivisions, any office, department, division, bureau, board, commission or agency of the State or one of its political subdivisions, and any public authority or public agency, including, but not limited to, the New Jersey Transit Corporation and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to any civil action commenced by the State concerning the remediation of a contaminated site or the closure of a sanitary landfill facility, or the payment of compensation for damage to, or loss of, natural resources due to the discharge of a hazardous substance, and subject to the limitations period specified in section 5 of P.L.2001, c.154 (C.58:10B-17.1)
NJSA 1:1-3. Effect of definitions on treaties, compacts, or agreements
NJSA 1:1-3. Effect of definitions on treaties, compacts, or agreements
Definitions of words and phrases applicable to statutes generally shall not be so construed as either to limit or enlarge any provision in any treaty, compact or agreement between this state and any other state or the United States, including treaties, compacts or agreements created by, embodied in or resulting from concurrent, complementary or reciprocal legislation.
Definitions of words and phrases applicable to statutes generally shall not be so construed as either to limit or enlarge any provision in any treaty, compact or agreement between this state and any other state or the United States, including treaties, compacts or agreements created by, embodied in or resulting from concurrent, complementary or reciprocal legislation.
NJSA 2A:14-1.1. Damages for injury from unsafe condition of improvement to real property; statute of limitations; exceptions; terms defined
NJSA 2A:14-1.1. Damages for injury from unsafe condition of improvement to real property; statute of limitations; exceptions; terms defined
1. a. No action, whether in contract, in tort, or otherwise, to recover damages for any deficiency in the design, planning, surveying, supervision or construction of an improvement to real property, or for any injury to property, real or personal, or for an injury to the person, or for bodily injury or wrongful death, arising out of the defective and unsafe condition of an improvement to real property, nor any action for contribution or indemnity for damages sustained on account of such injury, shall be brought against any person performing or furnishing the design, planning, surveying, supervision of construction or construction of such improvement to real property, more than 10 years after the performance or furnishing of such services and construction. This limitation shall serve as a bar to all such actions, both governmental and private, but shall not apply to actions against any person in actual possession and control as owner, tenant, or otherwise, of the improvement at the time the defective and unsafe condition of such improvement constitutes the proximate cause of the injury or damage for which the action is brought.
b.This section shall not bar an action by a governmental unit:
(1)on a written warranty, guaranty or other contract that expressly provides for a longer effective period;
(2)based on willful misconduct, gross negligence or fraudulent concealment in connection with performing or furnishing the design, planning, supervision or construction of an improvement to real property;
(3)under any environmental remediation law or pursuant to any contract entered into by a governmental unit in carrying out its responsibilities under any environmental remediation law; or
(4)Pursuant to any contract for application, enclosure, removal or encapsulation of asbestos.
c.As used in this section:
"Asbestos " shall have the meaning as defined in subsection a. of section 3 of P.L.1984, c.173 (C.34:5A-34) and any regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
"Environmental remediation law" means chapter 10B of Title 58 of the Revised Statutes (C.58:10B-1 et seq.) and any regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
"Governmental"means the State, its political subdivisions, any office, department, division, bureau, board, commission or public authority or public agency of the State or one of its political subdivisions, including but not limited to, a county or a municipality and any board, commission, committee, authority or agency which is not a State board, commission, committee, authority or agency.
1. a. No action, whether in contract, in tort, or otherwise, to recover damages for any deficiency in the design, planning, surveying, supervision or construction of an improvement to real property, or for any injury to property, real or personal, or for an injury to the person, or for bodily injury or wrongful death, arising out of the defective and unsafe condition of an improvement to real property, nor any action for contribution or indemnity for damages sustained on account of such injury, shall be brought against any person performing or furnishing the design, planning, surveying, supervision of construction or construction of such improvement to real property, more than 10 years after the performance or furnishing of such services and construction. This limitation shall serve as a bar to all such actions, both governmental and private, but shall not apply to actions against any person in actual possession and control as owner, tenant, or otherwise, of the improvement at the time the defective and unsafe condition of such improvement constitutes the proximate cause of the injury or damage for which the action is brought.
b.This section shall not bar an action by a governmental unit:
(1)on a written warranty, guaranty or other contract that expressly provides for a longer effective period;
(2)based on willful misconduct, gross negligence or fraudulent concealment in connection with performing or furnishing the design, planning, supervision or construction of an improvement to real property;
(3)under any environmental remediation law or pursuant to any contract entered into by a governmental unit in carrying out its responsibilities under any environmental remediation law; or
(4)Pursuant to any contract for application, enclosure, removal or encapsulation of asbestos.
c.As used in this section:
"Asbestos " shall have the meaning as defined in subsection a. of section 3 of P.L.1984, c.173 (C.34:5A-34) and any regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
"Environmental remediation law" means chapter 10B of Title 58 of the Revised Statutes (C.58:10B-1 et seq.) and any regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
"Governmental"means the State, its political subdivisions, any office, department, division, bureau, board, commission or public authority or public agency of the State or one of its political subdivisions, including but not limited to, a county or a municipality and any board, commission, committee, authority or agency which is not a State board, commission, committee, authority or agency.
Every action at law for trespass to real property, for any tortious injury to real or personal property, for taking, detaining, or converting personal property, for replevin of goods or chattels, for any tortious injury to the rights of another not stated in sections 2A:14-2 and 2A:14-3 of this Title, or for recovery upon a contractual claim or liability, express or implied, not under seal, or upon an account other than one which concerns the trade or merchandise between merchant and merchant, their factors, agents and servants, shall be commenced within 6 years next after the cause of any such action shall have accrued.
This section shall not apply to any action for breach of any contract for sale governed by section 12A:2-725 of the New Jersey Statutes.
Every action at law for trespass to real property, for any tortious injury to real or personal property, for taking, detaining, or converting personal property, for replevin of goods or chattels, for any tortious injury to the rights of another not stated in sections 2A:14-2 and 2A:14-3 of this Title, or for recovery upon a contractual claim or liability, express or implied, not under seal, or upon an account other than one which concerns the trade or merchandise between merchant and merchant, their factors, agents and servants, shall be commenced within 6 years next after the cause of any such action shall have accrued.
This section shall not apply to any action for breach of any contract for sale governed by section 12A:2-725 of the New Jersey Statutes.
NJSA 2A:13-12 Process for suspension of attorney's license for failure to repay student loans.
NJSA 2A:13-12 Process for suspension of attorney's license for failure to repay student loans.
2.The Supreme Court of the State of New Jersey may adopt Rules of the Court establishing a process for the suspension of the license to practice law of any attorney who has been certified by a lender or guarantor and reported to the Clerk of the Supreme Court for nonpayment or default of a State or federal direct or guaranteed educational loan.
2.The Supreme Court of the State of New Jersey may adopt Rules of the Court establishing a process for the suspension of the license to practice law of any attorney who has been certified by a lender or guarantor and reported to the Clerk of the Supreme Court for nonpayment or default of a State or federal direct or guaranteed educational loan.
NJSA 2A:13-11. Notice of disbarment; cancellation of certificates filed by attorney
NJSA 2A:13-11. Notice of disbarment; cancellation of certificates filed by attorney
In event that any such attorney-at-law shall be disbarred, the Clerk of the Supreme Court shall notify each county clerk accordingly and the county clerk shall cancel any certificate filed in his office pursuant to this act by such attorney
In event that any such attorney-at-law shall be disbarred, the Clerk of the Supreme Court shall notify each county clerk accordingly and the county clerk shall cancel any certificate filed in his office pursuant to this act by such attorney
NJSA 2A:13-10. Certification by county clerk of authority of attorney to take proofs, acknowledgments or affidavits
NJSA 2A:13-10. Certification by county clerk of authority of attorney to take proofs, acknowledgments or affidavits
The county clerk of any county in which any such attorney-at-law shall have filed his autographed signature and certificate, as provided in section 1 of this act, shall, upon request, subjoin to any certificate of proof, acknowledgment or affidavit signed by the attorney, a certificate under the clerk's hand and seal stating that the attorney-at-law was at the time of taking such proof, acknowledgment or affidavit duly commissioned and sworn and residing in this State, and was as such an officer of this State duly authorized to take and certify said proof, acknowledgment or affidavit as well as to take and certify the proof or acknowledgment of deeds for the conveyance of lands, tenements or hereditaments and other instruments in writing to be recorded in this State; that said proof, acknowledgment or affidavit is duly executed and taken according to the laws of this State; that full faith and credit are and ought to be given to the official acts of the attorney-at-law, and that the county clerk is well acquainted with the handwriting of the attorney-at-law and believes the signature to the instrument to which the certificate is attached is his genuine signature.
The county clerk of any county in which any such attorney-at-law shall have filed his autographed signature and certificate, as provided in section 1 of this act, shall, upon request, subjoin to any certificate of proof, acknowledgment or affidavit signed by the attorney, a certificate under the clerk's hand and seal stating that the attorney-at-law was at the time of taking such proof, acknowledgment or affidavit duly commissioned and sworn and residing in this State, and was as such an officer of this State duly authorized to take and certify said proof, acknowledgment or affidavit as well as to take and certify the proof or acknowledgment of deeds for the conveyance of lands, tenements or hereditaments and other instruments in writing to be recorded in this State; that said proof, acknowledgment or affidavit is duly executed and taken according to the laws of this State; that full faith and credit are and ought to be given to the official acts of the attorney-at-law, and that the county clerk is well acquainted with the handwriting of the attorney-at-law and believes the signature to the instrument to which the certificate is attached is his genuine signature.
NJSA 2A:13-9. Filing of certificates of commission and qualification and autographed signature in county clerks' offices
NJSA 2A:13-9. Filing of certificates of commission and qualification and autographed signature in county clerks' offices
Any attorney-at-law, after having been duly commissioned and qualified, shall, upon request, receive from the Clerk of the Supreme Court as many certificates of his commission and qualification as he shall require for filing in the county clerks' offices of this State, and upon receipt thereof, such attorney may present the same, together with his autographed signature, to such county clerks as he may desire for filing
Any attorney-at-law, after having been duly commissioned and qualified, shall, upon request, receive from the Clerk of the Supreme Court as many certificates of his commission and qualification as he shall require for filing in the county clerks' offices of this State, and upon receipt thereof, such attorney may present the same, together with his autographed signature, to such county clerks as he may desire for filing
NJSA 2A:13-8. Clerk of board of bar examiners
NJSA 2A:13-8. Clerk of board of bar examiners
The supreme court may appoint a suitable person to be clerk to the board of bar examiners to hold office during the pleasure of the court and may appoint successors from time to time and may fix the compensation to be paid such clerk.
The supreme court may appoint a suitable person to be clerk to the board of bar examiners to hold office during the pleasure of the court and may appoint successors from time to time and may fix the compensation to be paid such clerk.
NJSA 2A:13-7. Bar examiners; salary and expenses
NJSA 2A:13-7. Bar examiners; salary and expenses
Each bar examiner shall be paid a salary to be fixed by the supreme court and such traveling and incidental expenses as shall be approved by a supreme court justice.
Each bar examiner shall be paid a salary to be fixed by the supreme court and such traveling and incidental expenses as shall be approved by a supreme court justice.
NJSA 2A:13-6. Recovery of fees and disbursements
NJSA 2A:13-6. Recovery of fees and disbursements
Every attorney and counsellor may commence and maintain an action for the recovery of reasonable fees, charges or disbursements against his client or his legal representative, provided he shall have first delivered to the client or his legal representative or left for him at his dwelling house or usual place of abode with some competent member of his family of the age of 14 years or over then residing therein, a copy of his bill of fees, charges and disbursements or shall forward a copy of same, by certified or registered mail, in a sealed envelope with proper postage prepaid and return receipt requested, to the client or his legal representative at his last known address.
Every attorney and counsellor may commence and maintain an action for the recovery of reasonable fees, charges or disbursements against his client or his legal representative, provided he shall have first delivered to the client or his legal representative or left for him at his dwelling house or usual place of abode with some competent member of his family of the age of 14 years or over then residing therein, a copy of his bill of fees, charges and disbursements or shall forward a copy of same, by certified or registered mail, in a sealed envelope with proper postage prepaid and return receipt requested, to the client or his legal representative at his last known address.
NJSA 2A:13-5. Lien for services
NJSA 2A:13-5. Lien for services
After the filing of a complaint or third-party complaint or the service of a pleading containing a counterclaim or cross-claim, the attorney or counsellor at law, who shall appear in the cause for the party instituting the action or maintaining the third-party claim or counterclaim or cross-claim, shall have a lien for compensation, upon his client's action, cause of action, claim or counterclaim or cross-claim, which shall contain and attach to a verdict, report, decision, award, judgment or final order in his client's favor, and the proceeds thereof in whosesoever hands they may come. The lien shall not be affected by any settlement between the parties before or after judgment or final order, nor by the entry of satisfaction or cancellation of a judgment on the record. The court in which the action or other proceeding is pending, upon the petition of the attorney or counsellor at law, may determine and enforce the lien.
After the filing of a complaint or third-party complaint or the service of a pleading containing a counterclaim or cross-claim, the attorney or counsellor at law, who shall appear in the cause for the party instituting the action or maintaining the third-party claim or counterclaim or cross-claim, shall have a lien for compensation, upon his client's action, cause of action, claim or counterclaim or cross-claim, which shall contain and attach to a verdict, report, decision, award, judgment or final order in his client's favor, and the proceeds thereof in whosesoever hands they may come. The lien shall not be affected by any settlement between the parties before or after judgment or final order, nor by the entry of satisfaction or cancellation of a judgment on the record. The court in which the action or other proceeding is pending, upon the petition of the attorney or counsellor at law, may determine and enforce the lien.
NJSA 2A:13-4. Liability for damages
NJSA 2A:13-4. Liability for damages
If an attorney shall neglect or mismanage any cause in which he is employed, he shall be liable for all damages sustained by his client.
If an attorney shall neglect or mismanage any cause in which he is employed, he shall be liable for all damages sustained by his client.
NJSA 2A:13-3. Attorneys not to be sureties on bonds
NJSA 2A:13-3. Attorneys not to be sureties on bonds
No practicing attorney shall be surety on a bond as security for costs or a replevin bond or a bond given in connection with any proceeding in lieu of a prerogative writ. Any such bond signed by a practicing attorney as surety shall be insufficient.
No practicing attorney shall be surety on a bond as security for costs or a replevin bond or a bond given in connection with any proceeding in lieu of a prerogative writ. Any such bond signed by a practicing attorney as surety shall be insufficient.
NJSA 2A:13-2. Attorneys suable
NJSA 2A:13-2. Attorneys suable
Attorneys may be sued as other persons in all courts of this state.
Attorneys may be sued as other persons in all courts of this state.
NJSA 2A:13-1. Oath of practitioner
NJSA 2A:13-1. Oath of practitioner
Every counsellor at law or attorney at law, shall, before he is permitted to practice in any court of this state, take and subscribe in open court, the following oath:
I, , do solemnly promise and swear, that I will support the constitution of this state and the constitution of the United States and will perform the duties of my office faithfully to the best of my ability. So help me God.
Every counsellor at law or attorney at law, shall, before he is permitted to practice in any court of this state, take and subscribe in open court, the following oath:
I, , do solemnly promise and swear, that I will support the constitution of this state and the constitution of the United States and will perform the duties of my office faithfully to the best of my ability. So help me God.
NJSA 2A:12-14. Advance notice to prosecutor; notice to victims; "prosecutor defined
NJSA 2A:12-14. Advance notice to prosecutor; notice to victims; "prosecutor defined
2. a. The Administrative Office of the Courts shall establish procedures to ensure that advance notice is given to the prosecutor in any matter in which (1) a victim of an offense has been identified, and (2) the offense is within the jurisdiction of the Superior Court, and (3) the offense involves criminal conduct or conduct arising from an incident of domestic violence pursuant to N.J.S.2C:25-17 et seq. in which a criminal complaint has been filed. Notice shall include the date, time and place of the defendant's appearance before a judicial officer and shall include, but not be limited to, notice of motions or hearings to establish or reduce bail or authorize other pre-trial release from custody; notice of proceedings in which any plea agreement may be submitted; notice of trial and notice of sentencing.
b. Upon receipt of such notice from the court, the prosecutor shall use any reasonable means available to notify a victim in advance of a scheduled proceeding.
c. As used in this act, "Prosecutor" means the prosecutor of the county in which the defendant was convicted, unless the matter was prosecuted by the Attorney General, in which case "prosecutor" means the Attorney General.
2. a. The Administrative Office of the Courts shall establish procedures to ensure that advance notice is given to the prosecutor in any matter in which (1) a victim of an offense has been identified, and (2) the offense is within the jurisdiction of the Superior Court, and (3) the offense involves criminal conduct or conduct arising from an incident of domestic violence pursuant to N.J.S.2C:25-17 et seq. in which a criminal complaint has been filed. Notice shall include the date, time and place of the defendant's appearance before a judicial officer and shall include, but not be limited to, notice of motions or hearings to establish or reduce bail or authorize other pre-trial release from custody; notice of proceedings in which any plea agreement may be submitted; notice of trial and notice of sentencing.
b. Upon receipt of such notice from the court, the prosecutor shall use any reasonable means available to notify a victim in advance of a scheduled proceeding.
c. As used in this act, "Prosecutor" means the prosecutor of the county in which the defendant was convicted, unless the matter was prosecuted by the Attorney General, in which case "prosecutor" means the Attorney General.
NJSA 2A:12-13. Child of incarcerated person; care ensured; guideline development by Administrative Director of the Courts
NJSA 2A:12-13. Child of incarcerated person; care ensured; guideline development by Administrative Director of the Courts
1. a. The Administrative Director of the Courts, in consultation with the Governor's Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect, shall develop and recommend to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, no later than the 120th day after the effective date of this act, guidelines for each judge of the Superior Court and each municipal court judge to follow in order to ensure that appropriate arrangements are made for the care of an incarcerated person's child by a responsible adult. The Chief Justice shall provide for implementation of these guidelines as soon as is practicable after the date of receipt of the recommended guidelines.
b. The administrative director, in consultation with the Governor's Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect, shall periodically review the guidelines adopted pursuant to subsection a. of this section and recommend to the Chief Justice such revisions as are deemed necessary. The Chief Justice shall provide for implementation of the revised guidelines as soon as is practicable after the date of receipt of the recommended revisions.
1. a. The Administrative Director of the Courts, in consultation with the Governor's Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect, shall develop and recommend to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, no later than the 120th day after the effective date of this act, guidelines for each judge of the Superior Court and each municipal court judge to follow in order to ensure that appropriate arrangements are made for the care of an incarcerated person's child by a responsible adult. The Chief Justice shall provide for implementation of these guidelines as soon as is practicable after the date of receipt of the recommended guidelines.
b. The administrative director, in consultation with the Governor's Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect, shall periodically review the guidelines adopted pursuant to subsection a. of this section and recommend to the Chief Justice such revisions as are deemed necessary. The Chief Justice shall provide for implementation of the revised guidelines as soon as is practicable after the date of receipt of the recommended revisions.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
NJSA 2A:12-12. Court with jurisdiction; order for visitation at approved community organization
NJSA 2A:12-12. Court with jurisdiction; order for visitation at approved community organization
Any court having jurisdiction over a child visitation matter, which orders supervised child visitation, may direct in the order that the visitation take place at an approved community organization.
Any court having jurisdiction over a child visitation matter, which orders supervised child visitation, may direct in the order that the visitation take place at an approved community organization.
NJSA 2A:12-11. Duties of director
NJSA 2A:12-11. Duties of director
The director shall:
a. Publicize the existence of the program;
b. Adopt rules for the program including among other things--
(1) Standards for approved community organizations,
(2) Standards for accounting and auditing, and
(3) The number of approved community organizations needed throughout each county;
c. Prepare uniform applications for community organizations to apply for participation in the program, which application shall request, among other things--
(1) The name, address, county and function of the community organization,
(2) The size and location of the facility where supervised visitation would take place,
(3) The average number of persons available in the facility at any given time who would be present during the supervised visitation,
(4) The community organization's fee for use of its personnel and facilities for the program,
(5) The number of persons the facility could accommodate at one time, and
(6) The general contents of the facility;
d. Select and approve those community organizations which comply with the director's standards and which would accept the lowest fee for participation in the program;
e. Prepare a printed list by county of approved community organizations available for participation in the program;
f. Distribute the list to each court within the State having jurisdiction over child visitation matters;
g. Prepare and submit budget estimates of State appropriations necessary for the operation of the program and make recommendations with respect thereto;
h. Report annually to the Legislature and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court on the activities of the program and make recommendations with respect thereto; and
i. Do all other things necessary and proper to implement the purposes of this act.
The director shall:
a. Publicize the existence of the program;
b. Adopt rules for the program including among other things--
(1) Standards for approved community organizations,
(2) Standards for accounting and auditing, and
(3) The number of approved community organizations needed throughout each county;
c. Prepare uniform applications for community organizations to apply for participation in the program, which application shall request, among other things--
(1) The name, address, county and function of the community organization,
(2) The size and location of the facility where supervised visitation would take place,
(3) The average number of persons available in the facility at any given time who would be present during the supervised visitation,
(4) The community organization's fee for use of its personnel and facilities for the program,
(5) The number of persons the facility could accommodate at one time, and
(6) The general contents of the facility;
d. Select and approve those community organizations which comply with the director's standards and which would accept the lowest fee for participation in the program;
e. Prepare a printed list by county of approved community organizations available for participation in the program;
f. Distribute the list to each court within the State having jurisdiction over child visitation matters;
g. Prepare and submit budget estimates of State appropriations necessary for the operation of the program and make recommendations with respect thereto;
h. Report annually to the Legislature and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court on the activities of the program and make recommendations with respect thereto; and
i. Do all other things necessary and proper to implement the purposes of this act.
NJSA 2A:12-10. Purpose
NJSA 2A:12-10. Purpose
The purpose of the program shall be to promote court ordered supervised visitation by having approved community organizations throughout the State supply facilities and personnel to enable supervised visitation to take place
The purpose of the program shall be to promote court ordered supervised visitation by having approved community organizations throughout the State supply facilities and personnel to enable supervised visitation to take place
NJSA 2A:12-9. Supervised visitation program; creation
NJSA 2A:12-9. Supervised visitation program; creation
There is created a program to be known as the "Supervised Visitation Program" which shall be administered by the director.
There is created a program to be known as the "Supervised Visitation Program" which shall be administered by the director.
NJSA 2A:12-8. Definitions
NJSA 2A:12-8. Definitions
As used in this act:
a. "Approved community organization" means a community organization which applies to the director for participation in the program and is approved for participation;
b. "Director" means the Director of the Administrative Office of the Courts;
c. "Program" means the Supervised Visitation Program created pursuant to this act.
As used in this act:
a. "Approved community organization" means a community organization which applies to the director for participation in the program and is approved for participation;
b. "Director" means the Director of the Administrative Office of the Courts;
c. "Program" means the Supervised Visitation Program created pursuant to this act.
NJSA 2A:12-7. Legislative findings and declarations
NJSA 2A:12-7. Legislative findings and declarations
The Legislature finds and declares that:
a. In the area of child visitation a court often orders supervised visitation where there has been a history of child abuse, medical disabilities, psychiatric problems or other situations where the safety and welfare of the child may be jeopardized.
b. Often court ordered supervised visitation never occurs due to the inability to locate volunteers willing to be present during the visitation and a facility in which the visitation may take place.
c. The inability of a parent or guardian to spend time with a child poses serious psychological problems to both the parent and the child and prevents the growth of a normal, healthy relationship.
d. The purpose of this act is to facilitate supervised visitation by making the facilities and members of local community organizations available to assist in court ordered supervised visitation.
The Legislature finds and declares that:
a. In the area of child visitation a court often orders supervised visitation where there has been a history of child abuse, medical disabilities, psychiatric problems or other situations where the safety and welfare of the child may be jeopardized.
b. Often court ordered supervised visitation never occurs due to the inability to locate volunteers willing to be present during the visitation and a facility in which the visitation may take place.
c. The inability of a parent or guardian to spend time with a child poses serious psychological problems to both the parent and the child and prevents the growth of a normal, healthy relationship.
d. The purpose of this act is to facilitate supervised visitation by making the facilities and members of local community organizations available to assist in court ordered supervised visitation.
NJSA 2A:12-6 Distribution of law reports.
NJSA 2A:12-6 Distribution of law reports.
2A:12-6. The Administrative Director of the Courts is authorized to distribute or cause to be distributed any bound volumes of the New Jersey Reports and the New Jersey Superior Court Reports heretofore or hereafter published and delivered to him, as follows:
To each member of the Legislature, one copy of each volume of such reports.
To the following named, for official use, to remain the property of the State, the following number of copies of each volume of such reports:
a.To the Governor, four copies;
b.To the Department of Law and Public Safety, for the Division of Law, four copies; and the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control, one copy;
c.To the Department of the Treasury, for the State Treasurer, one copy; the Division of Taxation, three copies; and the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs, one copy;
d.To the Department of State, one copy;
e.(Deleted by amendment, P.L.2008, c.29);
f.To the Department of Banking and Insurance, two copies;
g.To the Board of Public Utilities in the Department of the Treasury, one copy;
h.To the Department of Labor and Workforce Development, for the commissioner, one copy; the Division of Workers' Compensation, five copies; the State Board of Mediation, one copy; and the Division of Employment Security, three copies;
i.To the Department of Education, for the commissioner, one copy;
j.To the Department of Transportation, one copy;
k.To the Department of Human Services, one copy; the Department of Corrections, one copy; and the Department of Children and Families, one copy;
l.To each judge of the federal courts in and for the district of New Jersey, one copy;
m.To each justice of the Supreme Court, one copy;
n.To each judge of the Superior Court, one copy;
o.To the Administrative Director of the Courts, one copy;
p.To each standing master of the Superior Court, one copy;
q.(Deleted by amendment, P.L.1983, c.36.)
r.To the clerk of the Supreme Court, one copy;
s.To the clerk of the Superior Court, one copy;
t.(Deleted by amendment, P.L.1983, c.36.)
u.(Deleted by amendment, P.L.1983, c.36.)
v.(Deleted by amendment, P.L.1991, c.91.)
w.(Deleted by amendment, P.L.1991, c.91.)
x.To each county prosecutor, one copy;
y.To the Central Management Unit in the Office of Legislative Services, one copy;
z.To each surrogate, one copy;
aa. To each county clerk, one copy;
ab. To each sheriff, one copy;
ac. To Rutgers, The State University, two copies; and the law schools, five copies each;
ad. To the law school of Seton Hall University, five copies;
ae. To Princeton University, two copies;
af. To the Library of Congress, four copies;
ag. To the New Jersey Historical Society, one copy;
ah. To every library provided by the board of chosen freeholders of any county at the courthouse in each county, one copy;
ai. To the library of every county bar association in this State, one copy;
aj. To each incorporated library association in this State, which has a law library at the county seat of the county in which it is located, one copy;
ak. To each judge of the tax court, one copy;
al. The State Library, 60 copies, five of which shall be deposited in the Law Library, and 55 of which shall be used by the State Librarian to send one copy to the state library of each state and territory of the United States, the same to be in exchange for the law reports of such states and territories sent to the State Library, which reports shall be deposited in and become part of the collection of the Law Library.
The remaining copies of such reports shall be retained by the administrative director for the use of the State and for such further distribution as he may determine upon.
2A:12-6. The Administrative Director of the Courts is authorized to distribute or cause to be distributed any bound volumes of the New Jersey Reports and the New Jersey Superior Court Reports heretofore or hereafter published and delivered to him, as follows:
To each member of the Legislature, one copy of each volume of such reports.
To the following named, for official use, to remain the property of the State, the following number of copies of each volume of such reports:
a.To the Governor, four copies;
b.To the Department of Law and Public Safety, for the Division of Law, four copies; and the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control, one copy;
c.To the Department of the Treasury, for the State Treasurer, one copy; the Division of Taxation, three copies; and the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs, one copy;
d.To the Department of State, one copy;
e.(Deleted by amendment, P.L.2008, c.29);
f.To the Department of Banking and Insurance, two copies;
g.To the Board of Public Utilities in the Department of the Treasury, one copy;
h.To the Department of Labor and Workforce Development, for the commissioner, one copy; the Division of Workers' Compensation, five copies; the State Board of Mediation, one copy; and the Division of Employment Security, three copies;
i.To the Department of Education, for the commissioner, one copy;
j.To the Department of Transportation, one copy;
k.To the Department of Human Services, one copy; the Department of Corrections, one copy; and the Department of Children and Families, one copy;
l.To each judge of the federal courts in and for the district of New Jersey, one copy;
m.To each justice of the Supreme Court, one copy;
n.To each judge of the Superior Court, one copy;
o.To the Administrative Director of the Courts, one copy;
p.To each standing master of the Superior Court, one copy;
q.(Deleted by amendment, P.L.1983, c.36.)
r.To the clerk of the Supreme Court, one copy;
s.To the clerk of the Superior Court, one copy;
t.(Deleted by amendment, P.L.1983, c.36.)
u.(Deleted by amendment, P.L.1983, c.36.)
v.(Deleted by amendment, P.L.1991, c.91.)
w.(Deleted by amendment, P.L.1991, c.91.)
x.To each county prosecutor, one copy;
y.To the Central Management Unit in the Office of Legislative Services, one copy;
z.To each surrogate, one copy;
aa. To each county clerk, one copy;
ab. To each sheriff, one copy;
ac. To Rutgers, The State University, two copies; and the law schools, five copies each;
ad. To the law school of Seton Hall University, five copies;
ae. To Princeton University, two copies;
af. To the Library of Congress, four copies;
ag. To the New Jersey Historical Society, one copy;
ah. To every library provided by the board of chosen freeholders of any county at the courthouse in each county, one copy;
ai. To the library of every county bar association in this State, one copy;
aj. To each incorporated library association in this State, which has a law library at the county seat of the county in which it is located, one copy;
ak. To each judge of the tax court, one copy;
al. The State Library, 60 copies, five of which shall be deposited in the Law Library, and 55 of which shall be used by the State Librarian to send one copy to the state library of each state and territory of the United States, the same to be in exchange for the law reports of such states and territories sent to the State Library, which reports shall be deposited in and become part of the collection of the Law Library.
The remaining copies of such reports shall be retained by the administrative director for the use of the State and for such further distribution as he may determine upon.
NJSA 2A:12-5.2 Annual report to Legislature.
NJSA 2A:12-5.2 Annual report to Legislature.
2. a. The Administrative Director of the Courts, in consultation with the Commissioner of Education, shall submit an annual report to the Legislature evaluating the effectiveness of the school-based probation program. The report shall include, but need not be limited to: information on the cost-effectiveness of the program as compared to the more traditional model of juvenile probation; the methods by which the confidentiality of the child involved in the program has been protected and any information-sharing protocols which have been developed between school and probation staff; information on the impact of the program in such areas as drop-out rates, disciplinary referrals, tardiness, absenteeism and academic performance; recommendations as to the preferred model or models of school-based probation to implement on a Statewide basis or any specific parameters of the program that should be mandated; and any other recommendations regarding the expansion of the program.
b.For the purposes of compiling the report required pursuant to subsection a. of this section, the Administrative Director of the Courts shall have access to the pupil record of any child who has been assigned to school-based probation. Information which is provided to the Administrative Director of the Courts pursuant to this subsection regarding a student who has been assigned to school-based probation shall be used under strict conditions of anonymity and confidentiality.
No liability shall attach to any member, officer or employee of any board of education for the furnishing of any pupil records pursuant to this subsection.
2. a. The Administrative Director of the Courts, in consultation with the Commissioner of Education, shall submit an annual report to the Legislature evaluating the effectiveness of the school-based probation program. The report shall include, but need not be limited to: information on the cost-effectiveness of the program as compared to the more traditional model of juvenile probation; the methods by which the confidentiality of the child involved in the program has been protected and any information-sharing protocols which have been developed between school and probation staff; information on the impact of the program in such areas as drop-out rates, disciplinary referrals, tardiness, absenteeism and academic performance; recommendations as to the preferred model or models of school-based probation to implement on a Statewide basis or any specific parameters of the program that should be mandated; and any other recommendations regarding the expansion of the program.
b.For the purposes of compiling the report required pursuant to subsection a. of this section, the Administrative Director of the Courts shall have access to the pupil record of any child who has been assigned to school-based probation. Information which is provided to the Administrative Director of the Courts pursuant to this subsection regarding a student who has been assigned to school-based probation shall be used under strict conditions of anonymity and confidentiality.
No liability shall attach to any member, officer or employee of any board of education for the furnishing of any pupil records pursuant to this subsection.
NJSA 2A:12-5.1 Findings, declarations relative to school-based probation.
NJSA 2A:12-5.1 Findings, declarations relative to school-based probation.
1.The Legislature finds and declares that:
a.School-based probation is an approach to the supervision of children which shifts the primary location of probation operations to the school environment;
b.School-based probation is designed to provide closer monitoring of a juvenile's behavior in order to improve school attendance and academic performance, lower school drop-out rates and reduce recidivism and out-of-home placements resulting from delinquent behaviors;
c.School-based probation programs have stimulated much interest and enthusiasm because they are believed to enhance both the school environment and probation services;
d.Studies that have been conducted on the program are very encouraging and have shown that children who have been assigned to school-based probation are more likely to be in the community longer prior to their first charge after their assignment to probation and are also more likely to be charged with probation violation and status offenses rather than new charges of a more serious nature;
e.Children who have been assigned to school-based probation tend not to "penetrate" the juvenile justice system as deeply as do children who are assigned to more traditional forms of supervision, resulting in not only cost savings, but also reductions in the destructive effects of extended placements and involvement in the more restrictive components of the juvenile justice system;
f.Various models of school-based probation have been implemented in many counties of this State, each designed to address the particular needs of the individual county or school district; and
g.The Legislature would benefit from input by probation departments currently involved in school-based probation and the school districts with which they are in partnership on their evaluation of the program and any recommendations regarding the expansion and replication of the program throughout the State.
1.The Legislature finds and declares that:
a.School-based probation is an approach to the supervision of children which shifts the primary location of probation operations to the school environment;
b.School-based probation is designed to provide closer monitoring of a juvenile's behavior in order to improve school attendance and academic performance, lower school drop-out rates and reduce recidivism and out-of-home placements resulting from delinquent behaviors;
c.School-based probation programs have stimulated much interest and enthusiasm because they are believed to enhance both the school environment and probation services;
d.Studies that have been conducted on the program are very encouraging and have shown that children who have been assigned to school-based probation are more likely to be in the community longer prior to their first charge after their assignment to probation and are also more likely to be charged with probation violation and status offenses rather than new charges of a more serious nature;
e.Children who have been assigned to school-based probation tend not to "penetrate" the juvenile justice system as deeply as do children who are assigned to more traditional forms of supervision, resulting in not only cost savings, but also reductions in the destructive effects of extended placements and involvement in the more restrictive components of the juvenile justice system;
f.Various models of school-based probation have been implemented in many counties of this State, each designed to address the particular needs of the individual county or school district; and
g.The Legislature would benefit from input by probation departments currently involved in school-based probation and the school districts with which they are in partnership on their evaluation of the program and any recommendations regarding the expansion and replication of the program throughout the State.
NJSA 2A:12-5. Annual repor
NJSA 2A:12-5. Annual report
The director shall submit annually as of August 31 to the Chief Justice, a report of the activities of the administrative office of the courts together with his recommendations.
The director shall submit annually as of August 31 to the Chief Justice, a report of the activities of the administrative office of the courts together with his recommendations.
NJSA 2A:12-4. Information and statistical data
NJSA 2A:12-4. Information and statistical data
All judges, clerks, and stenographic reporters and their assistants and employees, shall comply with any and all requests made by the director for information and statistical data bearing on the state of the dockets of the courts and such other information as may reflect the business transacted by them and the expenditure of public moneys for the support of the courts and the officers connected therewith. All law enforcement officers shall comply with any and all requests made by the director for information and statistical data bearing on the operation of their offices.
All judges, clerks, and stenographic reporters and their assistants and employees, shall comply with any and all requests made by the director for information and statistical data bearing on the state of the dockets of the courts and such other information as may reflect the business transacted by them and the expenditure of public moneys for the support of the courts and the officers connected therewith. All law enforcement officers shall comply with any and all requests made by the director for information and statistical data bearing on the operation of their offices.
NJSA 2A:12-3. Functions of director
NJSA 2A:12-3. Functions of director
The director shall, subject to the direction of the chief justice, perform the following functions:
(a) Examine the administrative methods, systems and activities of the judges, clerks, stenographic reporters and employees of the courts and their offices and make recommendations to the chief justice with respect thereto.
(b) Examine the state of the dockets of the courts, secure information as to their needs for assistance, if any, prepare statistical data and reports of the business of the courts and advise the chief justice to the end that proper action may be taken.
(c) Prepare and submit budget estimates of state appropriations necessary for the maintenance and operation of the courts and make recommendations with respect thereto.
(d) File requests for appropriations or permission to spend, as request officer for the supreme and superior courts and, as approval officer, approve and sign all encumbrance requests and statements of indebtedness on behalf of said courts.
(e) Make necessary arrangements for accommodations for the use of the supreme and superior courts and the clerks thereof and for the purchase, exchange, transfer and distribution of equipment and supplies for said courts and clerks.
(f) Investigate and collect statistical data and make reports relating to the expenditures of public moneys, state, county and municipal, for the maintenance of the courts and the offices connected therewith.
(g) Examine, from time to time, the operation of the courts, investigate complaints with respect thereto, and formulate and submit to the chief justice recommendations for the improvement thereof.
(h) Act as secretary of the judicial conference held pursuant to supreme court rules.
(i) Attend to such other matters as may be assigned by the chief justice.
The director shall, subject to the direction of the chief justice, perform the following functions:
(a) Examine the administrative methods, systems and activities of the judges, clerks, stenographic reporters and employees of the courts and their offices and make recommendations to the chief justice with respect thereto.
(b) Examine the state of the dockets of the courts, secure information as to their needs for assistance, if any, prepare statistical data and reports of the business of the courts and advise the chief justice to the end that proper action may be taken.
(c) Prepare and submit budget estimates of state appropriations necessary for the maintenance and operation of the courts and make recommendations with respect thereto.
(d) File requests for appropriations or permission to spend, as request officer for the supreme and superior courts and, as approval officer, approve and sign all encumbrance requests and statements of indebtedness on behalf of said courts.
(e) Make necessary arrangements for accommodations for the use of the supreme and superior courts and the clerks thereof and for the purchase, exchange, transfer and distribution of equipment and supplies for said courts and clerks.
(f) Investigate and collect statistical data and make reports relating to the expenditures of public moneys, state, county and municipal, for the maintenance of the courts and the offices connected therewith.
(g) Examine, from time to time, the operation of the courts, investigate complaints with respect thereto, and formulate and submit to the chief justice recommendations for the improvement thereof.
(h) Act as secretary of the judicial conference held pursuant to supreme court rules.
(i) Attend to such other matters as may be assigned by the chief justice.
NJSA 2A:12-2. Employees; other gainful pursuits forbidden; civil servic
NJSA 2A:12-2. Employees; other gainful pursuits forbidden; civil service
2A:12-2. Employees; other gainful pursuits forbidden; civil service. The director, with the approval of the chief justice, shall appoint and fix the salaries of such employees as may be necessary to perform the duties vested in him by this chapter. The director and such employees shall not engage directly or indirectly in the practice of law and shall not be subject to the provisions of Title 11A, Civil Service, of the New Jersey Statutes.
2A:12-2. Employees; other gainful pursuits forbidden; civil service. The director, with the approval of the chief justice, shall appoint and fix the salaries of such employees as may be necessary to perform the duties vested in him by this chapter. The director and such employees shall not engage directly or indirectly in the practice of law and shall not be subject to the provisions of Title 11A, Civil Service, of the New Jersey Statutes.
NJSA 2A:12-1. Administrative office of the courts; administrative director and deputy
NJSA 2A:12-1. Administrative office of the courts; administrative director and deputy
There shall be a State office to be known as the administrative office of the courts with an administrative director appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court pursuant to Article VI, Section 7, paragraph 1, of the Constitution, as the head thereof and a deputy administrative director also appointed by the Chief Justice. The administrative director and the deputy director shall be, and shall have been for not less than 3 years immediately prior to their appointment, bona fide residents of this State. The compensation, duties and functions of the director and deputy director shall be fixed by the Chief Justice or as otherwise provided by law. The director shall cause a seal of office to be made in such design as the Chief Justice shall approve and judicial notice shall be taken of the seal.
There shall be a State office to be known as the administrative office of the courts with an administrative director appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court pursuant to Article VI, Section 7, paragraph 1, of the Constitution, as the head thereof and a deputy administrative director also appointed by the Chief Justice. The administrative director and the deputy director shall be, and shall have been for not less than 3 years immediately prior to their appointment, bona fide residents of this State. The compensation, duties and functions of the director and deputy director shall be fixed by the Chief Justice or as otherwise provided by law. The director shall cause a seal of office to be made in such design as the Chief Justice shall approve and judicial notice shall be taken of the seal.
NJSA 2A:10-8. Issuance of warrant
NJSA 2A:10-8. Issuance of warrant
Any court may issue a warrant for the arrest of any person subject to punishment for a contempt pursuant to the provisions of chapter 10 of Title 2A of the New Jersey Statutes, directed to any officer or person authorized by law to serve process, who shall be empowered to serve such warrant in any county of this State and to produce the person subject to punishment for contempt as herein provided before the judge of such court issuing said warrant.
Any court may issue a warrant for the arrest of any person subject to punishment for a contempt pursuant to the provisions of chapter 10 of Title 2A of the New Jersey Statutes, directed to any officer or person authorized by law to serve process, who shall be empowered to serve such warrant in any county of this State and to produce the person subject to punishment for contempt as herein provided before the judge of such court issuing said warrant.
NJSA 2A:10-7. Contempt in municipal courts
NJSA 2A:10-7. Contempt in municipal courts
2A:10-7. The municipal courts in this State shall have full power to punish for contempt in any case provided by N.J.S.2A:10-1.
2A:10-7. The municipal courts in this State shall have full power to punish for contempt in any case provided by N.J.S.2A:10-1.
NJSA 2A:10-6. Contempt by sheriff or other officer
NJSA 2A:10-6. Contempt by sheriff or other officer
2A:10-6. A sheriff or other officer to whom any writ, process, judgment or order of the Superior Court is directed or delivered, who shall be adjudged in contempt of the court for failure to make return thereof or thereto, shall, before he is discharged from his contempt pay to the clerk of the court a sum not exceeding $50 as a fine, to be imposed by the court, together with the costs incurred.
2A:10-6. A sheriff or other officer to whom any writ, process, judgment or order of the Superior Court is directed or delivered, who shall be adjudged in contempt of the court for failure to make return thereof or thereto, shall, before he is discharged from his contempt pay to the clerk of the court a sum not exceeding $50 as a fine, to be imposed by the court, together with the costs incurred.
NJSA 2A:10-5. Civil contempt; punishment
NJSA 2A:10-5. Civil contempt; punishment
2A:10-5. Any person who shall be adjudged in contempt of the Superior Court by reason of his disobedience to a judgment, order or process of the court, shall, where the contempt is primarily civil in nature and before he is discharged therefrom, pay to the clerk of the court, for every such contempt, a sum not exceeding $50 as a fine, to be imposed by the court, together with the costs incurred
2A:10-5. Any person who shall be adjudged in contempt of the Superior Court by reason of his disobedience to a judgment, order or process of the court, shall, where the contempt is primarily civil in nature and before he is discharged therefrom, pay to the clerk of the court, for every such contempt, a sum not exceeding $50 as a fine, to be imposed by the court, together with the costs incurred
NJSA 2A:10-4. Breach of condition of supersedeas bond
NJSA 2A:10-4. Breach of condition of supersedeas bond
2A:10-4. Upon the breach of the condition of any supersedeas bond given to the clerk of any inferior court in a contempt proceeding, the county prosecutor of the county in which the bond is given shall prosecute the same to effect, in the name of the clerk, and shall pay the proceeds of the recovery thereon to the county treasurer, to be distributed by him according to law
2A:10-4. Upon the breach of the condition of any supersedeas bond given to the clerk of any inferior court in a contempt proceeding, the county prosecutor of the county in which the bond is given shall prosecute the same to effect, in the name of the clerk, and shall pay the proceeds of the recovery thereon to the county treasurer, to be distributed by him according to law
NJSA 2A:10-3. Review of convictions for contempt in certain inferior courts
NJSA 2A:10-3. Review of convictions for contempt in certain inferior courts
2A:10-3. Every summary conviction and judgment, by the Superior Court in the law division or chancery division or by any inferior court except the municipal court, for a contempt, shall be reviewable by the appellate division of the Superior Court and all convictions and judgments for contempt by the municipal courts shall be reviewable by the Superior Court. Such review shall be both upon the law and the facts and the court shall give such judgment as it shall deem to be lawful and just under all the circumstances of the case and shall enforce the same as it shall order.
2A:10-3. Every summary conviction and judgment, by the Superior Court in the law division or chancery division or by any inferior court except the municipal court, for a contempt, shall be reviewable by the appellate division of the Superior Court and all convictions and judgments for contempt by the municipal courts shall be reviewable by the Superior Court. Such review shall be both upon the law and the facts and the court shall give such judgment as it shall deem to be lawful and just under all the circumstances of the case and shall enforce the same as it shall order.
NJSA 2A:10-2. County court; punishment of sheriff for contempt
NJSA 2A:10-2. County court; punishment of sheriff for contempt
The County Court of any county shall have the same power to punish for contempt a sheriff of the county, as the Superior Court.
The County Court of any county shall have the same power to punish for contempt a sheriff of the county, as the Superior Court.
NJSA 2A:10-1. What constitutes contempt in general
NJSA 2A:10-1. What constitutes contempt in general
The power of any court of this state to punish for contempt shall not be construed to extend to any case except the:
a. Misbehavior of any person in the actual presence of the court;
b. Misbehavior of any officer of the court in his official transactions; and
c. Disobedience or resistance by any court officer, or by any party, juror, witness or any person whatsoever to any lawful writ, process, judgment, order, or command of the court.
Nothing contained in this section shall be deemed to affect the inherent jurisdiction of the superior court to punish for contempt.
The power of any court of this state to punish for contempt shall not be construed to extend to any case except the:
a. Misbehavior of any person in the actual presence of the court;
b. Misbehavior of any officer of the court in his official transactions; and
c. Disobedience or resistance by any court officer, or by any party, juror, witness or any person whatsoever to any lawful writ, process, judgment, order, or command of the court.
Nothing contained in this section shall be deemed to affect the inherent jurisdiction of the superior court to punish for contempt.
NJSA2A:8-13.3 Tenure for full-time administrator of municipal court.
NJSA2A:8-13.3 Tenure for full-time administrator of municipal court.
1.Any person holding office, position or employment as full-time administrator of a municipal court who has held such office, position or employment continuously for five years or more and who has become certified during that period shall hold and continue to hold said office, position or employment during good behavior and shall not be removed therefrom for political or other reasons except for good cause, upon written charges and after a public, fair and impartial hearing.
1.Any person holding office, position or employment as full-time administrator of a municipal court who has held such office, position or employment continuously for five years or more and who has become certified during that period shall hold and continue to hold said office, position or employment during good behavior and shall not be removed therefrom for political or other reasons except for good cause, upon written charges and after a public, fair and impartial hearing.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
NJSA 2A:8-13.1 Tenure for administrator of borough municipal court.
NJSA 2A:8-13.1 Tenure for administrator of borough municipal court.
1.Any person holding office, position or employment as administrator of the municipal court in any borough who has held such office, position or employment continuously for five years or more and who has become certified during that period shall hold and continue to hold said office, position or employment during good behavior and shall not be removed therefrom for political or other reasons except for good cause, upon written charges and after a public, fair and impartial hearing.
1.Any person holding office, position or employment as administrator of the municipal court in any borough who has held such office, position or employment continuously for five years or more and who has become certified during that period shall hold and continue to hold said office, position or employment during good behavior and shall not be removed therefrom for political or other reasons except for good cause, upon written charges and after a public, fair and impartial hearing.
NJSA 2A:5A-6. Office of county register not affected
NJSA 2A:5A-6. Office of county register not affected
Notwithstanding any other provision of this act, the office of county register of deeds and mortgages in those counties in which the office of register of deeds and mortgages has been established shall not be affected by the implementation of this act.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this act, the office of county register of deeds and mortgages in those counties in which the office of register of deeds and mortgages has been established shall not be affected by the implementation of this act.
NJSA 2A:5A-5. Responsibilities of deputy clerk
NJSA 2A:5A-5. Responsibilities of deputy clerk
The deputy clerk of the Superior Court in each county shall be responsible to the assignment judge and trial court administrator for the management and budget of all case processing responsibilities for the Civil Division, General Equity Division and Special Civil Part and whatever other responsibilities may be assigned to the position of deputy clerk.
The deputy clerk of the Superior Court in each county shall be responsible to the assignment judge and trial court administrator for the management and budget of all case processing responsibilities for the Civil Division, General Equity Division and Special Civil Part and whatever other responsibilities may be assigned to the position of deputy clerk.
NJSA 2A:5A-4. County clerk's office, transferred to supervision of Superior Court
NJSA 2A:5A-4. County clerk's office, transferred to supervision of Superior Court
a. All employees of each county clerk's office performing judicial functions shall be transferred to the supervision of the Superior Court and shall cease to be employees of the county clerk's office on the effective date of this act.
b. All judicial responsibilities of the county clerk's office shall become responsibilities of the Superior Court on the effective date of this act.
c. No employee transferred pursuant to the provisions of this act shall be deprived of any tenure rights or any right or protection provided by Title 11A of the New Jersey Statutes or any pension law or retirement system.
a. All employees of each county clerk's office performing judicial functions shall be transferred to the supervision of the Superior Court and shall cease to be employees of the county clerk's office on the effective date of this act.
b. All judicial responsibilities of the county clerk's office shall become responsibilities of the Superior Court on the effective date of this act.
c. No employee transferred pursuant to the provisions of this act shall be deprived of any tenure rights or any right or protection provided by Title 11A of the New Jersey Statutes or any pension law or retirement system.
NJSA 2A:5A-3. County clerk, eligibility to apply for position of deputy clerk of the Superior Court
NJSA 2A:5A-3. County clerk, eligibility to apply for position of deputy clerk of the Superior Court
3. a. Every county clerk shall be eligible, on January 1, 1995 and for a period up to and including the date the incumbent county clerk must declare candidacy for re-election as county clerk, to apply for the position of deputy clerk of the Superior Court and to resign as county clerk. Any county clerk who applies to become a deputy clerk of the Superior Court as provided herein and who resigns as county clerk shall become a deputy clerk of the Superior Court on the date of his resignation in the county in which he is serving at the time of his resignation.
b. The deputy clerk of the Superior Court shall be an employee of the judiciary and the position of deputy clerk of the Superior Court shall be included in the budget of the State Judiciary. Any county clerk becoming a deputy clerk of the Superior Court pursuant to this section shall be in the permanent service of the Superior Court with tenure and shall retain any accumulated sick leave, longevity or vacation time that he has earned as county clerk.
3. a. Every county clerk shall be eligible, on January 1, 1995 and for a period up to and including the date the incumbent county clerk must declare candidacy for re-election as county clerk, to apply for the position of deputy clerk of the Superior Court and to resign as county clerk. Any county clerk who applies to become a deputy clerk of the Superior Court as provided herein and who resigns as county clerk shall become a deputy clerk of the Superior Court on the date of his resignation in the county in which he is serving at the time of his resignation.
b. The deputy clerk of the Superior Court shall be an employee of the judiciary and the position of deputy clerk of the Superior Court shall be included in the budget of the State Judiciary. Any county clerk becoming a deputy clerk of the Superior Court pursuant to this section shall be in the permanent service of the Superior Court with tenure and shall retain any accumulated sick leave, longevity or vacation time that he has earned as county clerk.
NJSA 2A:5A-2. Position of deputy clerk of the Superior Court created
NJSA 2A:5A-2. Position of deputy clerk of the Superior Court created
There is created the position of deputy clerk of the Superior Court in each county of this State in addition to the position of the county clerk.
There is created the position of deputy clerk of the Superior Court in each county of this State in addition to the position of the county clerk.
NJSA 2A:5A-1. Continuation of county clerk as officer
NJSA 2A:5A-1. Continuation of county clerk as officer
The county clerk shall continue as an elected constitutional officer in the executive branch of county government.
The county clerk shall continue as an elected constitutional officer in the executive branch of county government.
NJSA 2A:4-30.122 Short title. 58. This act may be cited as the "Uniform Interstate Family Support Act.
NJSA 2A:4-30.122 Short title.
58. This act may be cited as the "Uniform Interstate Family Support Act."
2A:4-30.123 Pending actions, rights, duties unaffected by repeal.
60.The repeal of P.L.1981, c.243 (C.2A:4-30.24 et seq.) and sections 15 and 16 of P.L.1985, c.278 (C.2A:17-56.18 and 2A:17-56.19) does not affect pending actions, rights, duties or liabilities based on those repealed laws, nor does it alter, discharge, release or extinguish any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred under those laws. After the effective date of this act, all laws repealed shall be treated as remaining in full force and effect for the purpose of sustaining any pending actions or rights filed prior to the effective date of this act and the enforcement of any rights, duties, penalties, forfeitures, or liabilities under the repealed laws.
2A:4-41. Expenses
Except as otherwise provided by law, all expenses incurred in complying with the provisions of this chapter shall be a county charge.
L.1951 (1st SS), c.344; amended by L.1982, c. 77, s. 31, eff. Dec. 31, 1983.
2A:4-68. Repeals
The following sections are hereby repealed:
N.J.S. 2A:4-14 to 2A:4-17, inclusive, 2A:4-20, 2A:4-21, 2A:4-32, 2A:4-33, 2A:4-35, 2A:4-37, 2A:4-39; R.S. 30:4-157.3 and P.L. 67, c. 308 (C. 2A:4-39.1).
L.1973, c. 306, s. 27, eff. March 1, 1974.
2A:4A-20. Short title
58. This act may be cited as the "Uniform Interstate Family Support Act."
2A:4-30.123 Pending actions, rights, duties unaffected by repeal.
60.The repeal of P.L.1981, c.243 (C.2A:4-30.24 et seq.) and sections 15 and 16 of P.L.1985, c.278 (C.2A:17-56.18 and 2A:17-56.19) does not affect pending actions, rights, duties or liabilities based on those repealed laws, nor does it alter, discharge, release or extinguish any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred under those laws. After the effective date of this act, all laws repealed shall be treated as remaining in full force and effect for the purpose of sustaining any pending actions or rights filed prior to the effective date of this act and the enforcement of any rights, duties, penalties, forfeitures, or liabilities under the repealed laws.
2A:4-41. Expenses
Except as otherwise provided by law, all expenses incurred in complying with the provisions of this chapter shall be a county charge.
L.1951 (1st SS), c.344; amended by L.1982, c. 77, s. 31, eff. Dec. 31, 1983.
2A:4-68. Repeals
The following sections are hereby repealed:
N.J.S. 2A:4-14 to 2A:4-17, inclusive, 2A:4-20, 2A:4-21, 2A:4-32, 2A:4-33, 2A:4-35, 2A:4-37, 2A:4-39; R.S. 30:4-157.3 and P.L. 67, c. 308 (C. 2A:4-39.1).
L.1973, c. 306, s. 27, eff. March 1, 1974.
2A:4A-20. Short title
NJSA 2A:4-30.121 Application, construction of act.
NJSA 2A:4-30.121 Application, construction of act.
57.This act shall be applied and construed to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the law with respect to the subject of this act among states enacting it.
57.This act shall be applied and construed to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the law with respect to the subject of this act among states enacting it.
NJSA 2A:4-30.120 Surrender of individual charged to other state; rendition; conditions.
NJSA 2A:4-30.120 Surrender of individual charged to other state; rendition; conditions.
56. a. Before making demand that the governor of another state surrender an individual charged criminally in this State with having failed to provide for the support of an obligee, the Governor of this State may require a prosecutor of this State to demonstrate that at least 60 days previously the obligee had initiated proceedings for support pursuant to this act or that the proceeding would be of no avail.
b.If, under this act or a law substantially similar to this act, the "Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act," or the "Revised Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act," the governor of another state makes a demand that the Governor of this State surrender an individual charged criminally in that state with having failed to provide for the support of a child or other individual to whom a duty of support is owed, the Governor may require a prosecutor to investigate the demand and report whether a proceeding for support has been initiated or would be effective. If it appears that a proceeding would be effective but has not been initiated, the Governor may delay honoring the demand for a reasonable time to permit the initiation of a proceeding.
c.If a proceeding for support has been initiated and the individual whose rendition is demanded prevails, the Governor may decline to honor the demand. If the petitioner prevails and the individual whose rendition is demanded is subject to a support order, the Governor may decline to honor the demand if the individual is complying with the support order.
56. a. Before making demand that the governor of another state surrender an individual charged criminally in this State with having failed to provide for the support of an obligee, the Governor of this State may require a prosecutor of this State to demonstrate that at least 60 days previously the obligee had initiated proceedings for support pursuant to this act or that the proceeding would be of no avail.
b.If, under this act or a law substantially similar to this act, the "Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act," or the "Revised Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act," the governor of another state makes a demand that the Governor of this State surrender an individual charged criminally in that state with having failed to provide for the support of a child or other individual to whom a duty of support is owed, the Governor may require a prosecutor to investigate the demand and report whether a proceeding for support has been initiated or would be effective. If it appears that a proceeding would be effective but has not been initiated, the Governor may delay honoring the demand for a reasonable time to permit the initiation of a proceeding.
c.If a proceeding for support has been initiated and the individual whose rendition is demanded prevails, the Governor may decline to honor the demand. If the petitioner prevails and the individual whose rendition is demanded is subject to a support order, the Governor may decline to honor the demand if the individual is complying with the support order.
NJSA 2A:4-30.119 "Governor" defined; extradition, conditions.
NJSA 2A:4-30.119 "Governor" defined; extradition, conditions.
55. a. For the purposes of this article, "governor" includes an individual performing the functions of governor or the executive authority of a state covered by this act.
b.The Governor of this State may:
(1)demand that the governor of another state surrender an individual found in the other state who is charged criminally in this State with having failed to provide for the support of an obligee; or
(2)on the demand by the governor of another state surrender an individual found in this State who is charged criminally in the other state with having failed to provide for the support of an obligee.
c.A provision for extradition of individuals not inconsistent with this act applies to the demand even if the individual whose surrender is demanded was not in the demanding state when the crime was allegedly committed and has not fled therefrom.
55. a. For the purposes of this article, "governor" includes an individual performing the functions of governor or the executive authority of a state covered by this act.
b.The Governor of this State may:
(1)demand that the governor of another state surrender an individual found in the other state who is charged criminally in this State with having failed to provide for the support of an obligee; or
(2)on the demand by the governor of another state surrender an individual found in this State who is charged criminally in the other state with having failed to provide for the support of an obligee.
c.A provision for extradition of individuals not inconsistent with this act applies to the demand even if the individual whose surrender is demanded was not in the demanding state when the crime was allegedly committed and has not fled therefrom.
NJSA A:4-30.118 Proceeding to determine parentage.
NJSA A:4-30.118 Proceeding to determine parentage.
54. a. A tribunal of this State may serve as an initiating or responding tribunal in a proceeding brought under this act or a law or procedure substantially similar to this act, or under a law or procedure substantially similar to the "Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act," or the "Revised Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act" to determine that the petitioner is a parent of a particular child or to determine that a respondent is a parent of that child.
b.In a proceeding to determine parentage, a responding tribunal of this State shall apply the procedural and substantive law of this State, and the rules of this State on choice of law.
54. a. A tribunal of this State may serve as an initiating or responding tribunal in a proceeding brought under this act or a law or procedure substantially similar to this act, or under a law or procedure substantially similar to the "Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act," or the "Revised Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act" to determine that the petitioner is a parent of a particular child or to determine that a respondent is a parent of that child.
b.In a proceeding to determine parentage, a responding tribunal of this State shall apply the procedural and substantive law of this State, and the rules of this State on choice of law.
NJSA 2A:4-30.114 Modification of registered order issued out-of-State.
NJSA 2A:4-30.114 Modification of registered order issued out-of-State.
50. a. After a child support order issued in another state has been registered in this State, the registering tribunal of this State may modify that order only if section 52 of this act does not apply and after notice and hearing it finds that:
(1)the following requirements are met:
(a)the child, the individual obligee, and the obligor do not reside in the issuing state;
(b)a petitioner who is a nonresident of this State seeks modification; and
(c)the respondent is subject to the personal jurisdiction of the tribunal of this State; or
(2)the child or a party who is an individual is subject to the personal jurisdiction of the tribunal of this State and all of the individual parties have filed written consents in the issuing tribunal for a tribunal of this State to modify the support order and assume continuing, exclusive jurisdiction over the order. However, if the issuing state is a foreign jurisdiction which has not enacted a law or established procedures essentially similar to the procedures under this act, the consent otherwise required of an individual party residing in this State is not required for the tribunal to assume jurisdiction to modify the child support order.
b.Modification of a registered child support order is subject to the same requirements, procedures, and defenses that apply to the modification of an order issued by a tribunal of this State and the order may be enforced and satisfied in the same manner.
c.A tribunal of this State may not modify any aspect of a child support order that may not be modified under the law of the issuing state. If two or more tribunals have issued child support orders for the same obligor and child, the order that controls and shall be recognized under the provisions of section 10 of this act establishes the unmodifiable aspects of the support order.
d.On issuance of an order modifying a child support order issued in another state, a tribunal of this State becomes the tribunal of continuing, exclusive jurisdiction.
2A:4-30.115 Modification of order by another state recognized.
51.A tribunal of this State shall recognize a modification of its earlier child support order by a tribunal of another state which assumed jurisdiction pursuant to this act or law substantially similar to this act and, upon request, except as otherwise provided in this act, shall:
a.enforce the order that was modified only as to amounts accruing before the modification;
b.enforce only nonmodifiable aspects of that order;
c.provide other appropriate relief only for violations of that order which occurred before the effective date of the modification; and
d.recognize the modifying order of the other state, upon registration, for the purpose of enforcement.
2A:4-30.116 Jurisdiction to enforce, modify issuing state's order; law applicable.
52. a. If all of the individual parties reside in this State and the child does not reside in the issuing state, a tribunal of this State has jurisdiction to enforce and to modify the issuing state's child support order in a proceeding to register that order.
b.A tribunal of this State exercising jurisdiction as provided in this section shall apply the provisions of sections 1 through 12 of this act and this section to the enforcement or modification proceeding. Sections 13 through 39 and sections 54 through 56 of this act do not apply and the tribunal shall apply the procedural and substantive law of this State.
2A:4-30.117 Issuance, filing of modified child support order.
53.Within 30 days after issuance of a modified child support order, the party obtaining the modification shall file a certified copy of the obligation with the issuing tribunal which had continuing, exclusive jurisdiction over the earlier order, and in each tribunal in which the party knows the earlier order has been registered. A party who obtains the order and fails to file a certified copy, is subject to appropriate sanctions by a tribunal in which the issue of failure to file arises. Failure does not affect the validity or enforceability of the modified order of the new tribunal of having continuing, exclusive jurisdiction.
50. a. After a child support order issued in another state has been registered in this State, the registering tribunal of this State may modify that order only if section 52 of this act does not apply and after notice and hearing it finds that:
(1)the following requirements are met:
(a)the child, the individual obligee, and the obligor do not reside in the issuing state;
(b)a petitioner who is a nonresident of this State seeks modification; and
(c)the respondent is subject to the personal jurisdiction of the tribunal of this State; or
(2)the child or a party who is an individual is subject to the personal jurisdiction of the tribunal of this State and all of the individual parties have filed written consents in the issuing tribunal for a tribunal of this State to modify the support order and assume continuing, exclusive jurisdiction over the order. However, if the issuing state is a foreign jurisdiction which has not enacted a law or established procedures essentially similar to the procedures under this act, the consent otherwise required of an individual party residing in this State is not required for the tribunal to assume jurisdiction to modify the child support order.
b.Modification of a registered child support order is subject to the same requirements, procedures, and defenses that apply to the modification of an order issued by a tribunal of this State and the order may be enforced and satisfied in the same manner.
c.A tribunal of this State may not modify any aspect of a child support order that may not be modified under the law of the issuing state. If two or more tribunals have issued child support orders for the same obligor and child, the order that controls and shall be recognized under the provisions of section 10 of this act establishes the unmodifiable aspects of the support order.
d.On issuance of an order modifying a child support order issued in another state, a tribunal of this State becomes the tribunal of continuing, exclusive jurisdiction.
2A:4-30.115 Modification of order by another state recognized.
51.A tribunal of this State shall recognize a modification of its earlier child support order by a tribunal of another state which assumed jurisdiction pursuant to this act or law substantially similar to this act and, upon request, except as otherwise provided in this act, shall:
a.enforce the order that was modified only as to amounts accruing before the modification;
b.enforce only nonmodifiable aspects of that order;
c.provide other appropriate relief only for violations of that order which occurred before the effective date of the modification; and
d.recognize the modifying order of the other state, upon registration, for the purpose of enforcement.
2A:4-30.116 Jurisdiction to enforce, modify issuing state's order; law applicable.
52. a. If all of the individual parties reside in this State and the child does not reside in the issuing state, a tribunal of this State has jurisdiction to enforce and to modify the issuing state's child support order in a proceeding to register that order.
b.A tribunal of this State exercising jurisdiction as provided in this section shall apply the provisions of sections 1 through 12 of this act and this section to the enforcement or modification proceeding. Sections 13 through 39 and sections 54 through 56 of this act do not apply and the tribunal shall apply the procedural and substantive law of this State.
2A:4-30.117 Issuance, filing of modified child support order.
53.Within 30 days after issuance of a modified child support order, the party obtaining the modification shall file a certified copy of the obligation with the issuing tribunal which had continuing, exclusive jurisdiction over the earlier order, and in each tribunal in which the party knows the earlier order has been registered. A party who obtains the order and fails to file a certified copy, is subject to appropriate sanctions by a tribunal in which the issue of failure to file arises. Failure does not affect the validity or enforceability of the modified order of the new tribunal of having continuing, exclusive jurisdiction.
NJSA 2A:4-30.111 Confirmation of registered order precludes further contest.
NJSA 2A:4-30.111 Confirmation of registered order precludes further contest.
47.Confirmation of a registered order, whether by operation of law or after notice and hearing, precludes further contest of the order with respect to any matter that could have been asserted at the time of registration.
2A:4-30.112 Modification, enforcement of order issued out-of-State.
48.A party or support enforcement agency seeking to modify, or to modify and enforce, a child support order issued in another state shall register that order in this State in the same manner provided in sections 40 through 43 of this act if the order has not been registered. A complaint, petition or comparable pleading for modification may be filed at the same time as a request for registration, or later. The pleading must specify the grounds for modification.
2A:4-30.113 Enforcement of order issued out-of-State.
49.A tribunal of this State may enforce a child support order of another state registered for purposes of modification, in the same manner as if the order had been issued by a tribunal of this State, but the registered order may be modified only if the requirements of section 50 of this act have been met.
2A:4-30.114 Modification of registered order issued out-of-State.
47.Confirmation of a registered order, whether by operation of law or after notice and hearing, precludes further contest of the order with respect to any matter that could have been asserted at the time of registration.
2A:4-30.112 Modification, enforcement of order issued out-of-State.
48.A party or support enforcement agency seeking to modify, or to modify and enforce, a child support order issued in another state shall register that order in this State in the same manner provided in sections 40 through 43 of this act if the order has not been registered. A complaint, petition or comparable pleading for modification may be filed at the same time as a request for registration, or later. The pleading must specify the grounds for modification.
2A:4-30.113 Enforcement of order issued out-of-State.
49.A tribunal of this State may enforce a child support order of another state registered for purposes of modification, in the same manner as if the order had been issued by a tribunal of this State, but the registered order may be modified only if the requirements of section 50 of this act have been met.
2A:4-30.114 Modification of registered order issued out-of-State.
NJSA 2A:4-30.110 Grounds for contesting validity, enforcement, vacating registration.
NJSA 2A:4-30.110 Grounds for contesting validity, enforcement, vacating registration.
46. a. A party contesting the validity or enforcement of a registered order or seeking to vacate the registration has the burden of proving one or more of the following defenses:
(1)the issuing tribunal lacked personal jurisdiction over the contesting party;
(2)the order was obtained by fraud;
(3)the order has been vacated, suspended, or modified by a later order;
(4)the issuing tribunal has stayed the order pending appeal;
(5)there is a defense under the law of this State to the remedy sought;
(6)full or partial payment has been made; or
(7)the statute of limitation under section 43 of this act precludes enforcement of some or all of the arrearages.
b.If a party presents evidence establishing a full or partial defense under subsection a. of this section, a tribunal may stay enforcement of the registered order, continue the proceeding to permit production of additional relevant evidence, or issue other appropriate orders. An uncontested portion of the registered order may be enforced by all remedies available under the law of this State.
c.If the contesting party does not establish a defense under subsection a. of this section to the validity or enforcement of the order, the registering tribunal shall issue an order confirming the order.
46. a. A party contesting the validity or enforcement of a registered order or seeking to vacate the registration has the burden of proving one or more of the following defenses:
(1)the issuing tribunal lacked personal jurisdiction over the contesting party;
(2)the order was obtained by fraud;
(3)the order has been vacated, suspended, or modified by a later order;
(4)the issuing tribunal has stayed the order pending appeal;
(5)there is a defense under the law of this State to the remedy sought;
(6)full or partial payment has been made; or
(7)the statute of limitation under section 43 of this act precludes enforcement of some or all of the arrearages.
b.If a party presents evidence establishing a full or partial defense under subsection a. of this section, a tribunal may stay enforcement of the registered order, continue the proceeding to permit production of additional relevant evidence, or issue other appropriate orders. An uncontested portion of the registered order may be enforced by all remedies available under the law of this State.
c.If the contesting party does not establish a defense under subsection a. of this section to the validity or enforcement of the order, the registering tribunal shall issue an order confirming the order.
NJSA 2A:4-30.109 Contesting validity, enforcement of registered order, procedure.
NJSA 2A:4-30.109 Contesting validity, enforcement of registered order, procedure.
45. a. A nonregistering party seeking to contest the validity or enforcement of a registered order in this State shall request a hearing within 20 days after the date of mailing or personal service of notice of the registration. The nonregistering party may seek to vacate the registration, to assert any defense to an allegation of noncompliance with the registered order, or to contest the remedies being sought or the amount of any alleged arrearages pursuant to section 46 of this act.
b.If the nonregistering party fails to contest the validity or enforcement of the registered order in a timely manner, the order is confirmed by operation of law.
c.If a nonregistering party requests a hearing to contest the validity or enforcement of the registered order, the registering tribunal shall schedule the matter for hearing and give notice to the parties of the date, time and place of the hearing.
45. a. A nonregistering party seeking to contest the validity or enforcement of a registered order in this State shall request a hearing within 20 days after the date of mailing or personal service of notice of the registration. The nonregistering party may seek to vacate the registration, to assert any defense to an allegation of noncompliance with the registered order, or to contest the remedies being sought or the amount of any alleged arrearages pursuant to section 46 of this act.
b.If the nonregistering party fails to contest the validity or enforcement of the registered order in a timely manner, the order is confirmed by operation of law.
c.If a nonregistering party requests a hearing to contest the validity or enforcement of the registered order, the registering tribunal shall schedule the matter for hearing and give notice to the parties of the date, time and place of the hearing.
NJSA 2A:4-30.108 Notification of nonregistering party by tribunal.
NJSA 2A:4-30.108 Notification of nonregistering party by tribunal.
44. a. When a support order or income-withholding order issued in another state is registered, the registering tribunal shall notify the nonregistering party. The notice shall be accompanied by a copy of the registered order and the documents and relevant information accompanying the order.
b.The notice shall inform the nonregistering party:
(1)that a registered order is enforceable as of the date of registration in the same manner as an order issued by a tribunal of this State;
(2)that a hearing to contest the validity or enforcement of the registered order shall be requested within 20 days after the date of mailing or personal service of the notice;
(3)that failure to contest the validity or enforcement of the registered order in a timely manner will result in confirmation of the order and enforcement of the order and the alleged arrearages and precludes further contest of that order with respect to any matter that could have been asserted; and
(4)of the amount of any alleged arrearages.
c.Upon registration of an income-withholding order for enforcement, the registering tribunal shall notify the support enforcement agency or the obligor's employer pursuant to the "New Jersey Child Support Program Improvement Act," P.L.1998, c.1 (C.2A:17-56.7a et al.), P.L.1981, c.417 (C.2A:17-56.7 et al.) and P.L.1985, c.278 (C.2A:17-56.16 et seq.).
44. a. When a support order or income-withholding order issued in another state is registered, the registering tribunal shall notify the nonregistering party. The notice shall be accompanied by a copy of the registered order and the documents and relevant information accompanying the order.
b.The notice shall inform the nonregistering party:
(1)that a registered order is enforceable as of the date of registration in the same manner as an order issued by a tribunal of this State;
(2)that a hearing to contest the validity or enforcement of the registered order shall be requested within 20 days after the date of mailing or personal service of the notice;
(3)that failure to contest the validity or enforcement of the registered order in a timely manner will result in confirmation of the order and enforcement of the order and the alleged arrearages and precludes further contest of that order with respect to any matter that could have been asserted; and
(4)of the amount of any alleged arrearages.
c.Upon registration of an income-withholding order for enforcement, the registering tribunal shall notify the support enforcement agency or the obligor's employer pursuant to the "New Jersey Child Support Program Improvement Act," P.L.1998, c.1 (C.2A:17-56.7a et al.), P.L.1981, c.417 (C.2A:17-56.7 et al.) and P.L.1985, c.278 (C.2A:17-56.16 et seq.).
NJSA 2A:4-30.107 Law of issuing state governs; longer statute of limitation applies.
NJSA 2A:4-30.107 Law of issuing state governs; longer statute of limitation applies.
43. a. The law of the issuing state governs the nature, extent, amount, and duration of current payments and other obligations of support and the payment of arrearages under the order.
b.In a proceeding for arrearages, the statute of limitation under the laws of this State or of the issuing state, whichever is longer, applies.
43. a. The law of the issuing state governs the nature, extent, amount, and duration of current payments and other obligations of support and the payment of arrearages under the order.
b.In a proceeding for arrearages, the statute of limitation under the laws of this State or of the issuing state, whichever is longer, applies.
NJSA 2A:4-30.106 Filing of order; enforcement
NJSA 2A:4-30.106 Filing of order; enforcement.
42. a. A support order or income-withholding order issued in another state is registered when the order is filed in the registering tribunal of this State.
b.A registered order issued in another state is enforceable in the same manner and is subject to the same procedures as an order issued by a tribunal of this State.
c.Except as otherwise provided in this article, a tribunal of this State shall recognize and enforce, but not modify, a registered order if the issuing tribunal had jurisdiction.
42. a. A support order or income-withholding order issued in another state is registered when the order is filed in the registering tribunal of this State.
b.A registered order issued in another state is enforceable in the same manner and is subject to the same procedures as an order issued by a tribunal of this State.
c.Except as otherwise provided in this article, a tribunal of this State shall recognize and enforce, but not modify, a registered order if the issuing tribunal had jurisdiction.
NJSA 2A:4-30.105 Procedure for registration.
NJSA 2A:4-30.105 Procedure for registration.
41. a. A support order or income-withholding order of another state may be registered in this State by sending the following documents and information to the appropriate tribunal in this State:
(1)a letter of transmittal to the tribunal requesting registration and enforcement;
(2)two copies, including one certified copy, of all orders to be registered, including any modification of an order;
(3)a sworn statement by the party seeking registration or a certified statement by the custodian of the records showing the amount of any arrearage;
(4)the name of the obligor and, if known:
(a)the obligor's address and social security number;
(b)the name and address of the obligor's employer and any other source of income of the obligor; and
(c)a description and the location of property of the obligor in this State not exempt from execution; and
(5)the name and address of the obligee and, if applicable, the agency or person to whom support payments are to be remitted.
b.On receipt of a request for registration, the registering tribunal shall cause the order to be filed as a foreign judgment, together with one copy of the documents and information, regardless of their form.
c.A complaint, petition or comparable pleading seeking a remedy that must be affirmatively sought under other laws of this State may be filed at the same time as the request for registration or later. The pleading must specify the grounds for the remedy sought.
41. a. A support order or income-withholding order of another state may be registered in this State by sending the following documents and information to the appropriate tribunal in this State:
(1)a letter of transmittal to the tribunal requesting registration and enforcement;
(2)two copies, including one certified copy, of all orders to be registered, including any modification of an order;
(3)a sworn statement by the party seeking registration or a certified statement by the custodian of the records showing the amount of any arrearage;
(4)the name of the obligor and, if known:
(a)the obligor's address and social security number;
(b)the name and address of the obligor's employer and any other source of income of the obligor; and
(c)a description and the location of property of the obligor in this State not exempt from execution; and
(5)the name and address of the obligee and, if applicable, the agency or person to whom support payments are to be remitted.
b.On receipt of a request for registration, the registering tribunal shall cause the order to be filed as a foreign judgment, together with one copy of the documents and information, regardless of their form.
c.A complaint, petition or comparable pleading seeking a remedy that must be affirmatively sought under other laws of this State may be filed at the same time as the request for registration or later. The pleading must specify the grounds for the remedy sought.
NJSA 2A:4-30.104 Registration of out-of-State order.
NJSA 2A:4-30.104 Registration of out-of-State order.
40.A support order or an income-withholding order issued by a tribunal of another state may be registered in this State for enforcement.
40.A support order or an income-withholding order issued by a tribunal of another state may be registered in this State for enforcement.
NJSA 2A:4-30.103 Order issued out-of-State sent to support enforcement agency.
NJSA 2A:4-30.103 Order issued out-of-State sent to support enforcement agency.
39. a. A party seeking to enforce a support order or an income-withholding order, or both, issued by a tribunal of another state may send the documents required for registering the order to a support enforcement agency of this State.
b.Upon receipt of the documents, the support enforcement agency, without initially seeking to register the order, shall consider and, if appropriate, use any administrative procedure authorized by the law of this State to enforce a support order or an income-withholding order, or both. If the obligor does not contest administrative enforcement, the order need not be registered. If the obligor contests the validity or administrative enforcement of the order, the support enforcement agency shall register the order pursuant to this act.
39. a. A party seeking to enforce a support order or an income-withholding order, or both, issued by a tribunal of another state may send the documents required for registering the order to a support enforcement agency of this State.
b.Upon receipt of the documents, the support enforcement agency, without initially seeking to register the order, shall consider and, if appropriate, use any administrative procedure authorized by the law of this State to enforce a support order or an income-withholding order, or both. If the obligor does not contest administrative enforcement, the order need not be registered. If the obligor contests the validity or administrative enforcement of the order, the support enforcement agency shall register the order pursuant to this act.
NJSA 2A:4-30.102 Contesting of validity, enforcement of income-withholding order.
NJSA 2A:4-30.102 Contesting of validity, enforcement of income-withholding order.
38. a. An obligor may contest the validity or enforcement of an income-withholding order issued in another state and received directly by an employer in this State in the same manner as if the order had been issued by a tribunal of this State. Section 44 of this act applies to the contest.
b.The obligor shall give notice of the contest to:
(1)a support enforcement agency providing services to the obligee;
(2)each employer that has directly received an income-withholding obligation; and
(3)the person or agency designated to receive payments in the income-withholding order or, if no person or agency is designated, to the obligee.
38. a. An obligor may contest the validity or enforcement of an income-withholding order issued in another state and received directly by an employer in this State in the same manner as if the order had been issued by a tribunal of this State. Section 44 of this act applies to the contest.
b.The obligor shall give notice of the contest to:
(1)a support enforcement agency providing services to the obligee;
(2)each employer that has directly received an income-withholding obligation; and
(3)the person or agency designated to receive payments in the income-withholding order or, if no person or agency is designated, to the obligee.
NJSA2 A:4-30.101 Noncompliance; penalties.
2A:4-30.101 Noncompliance; penalties.
37.An employer who willfully fails to comply with an income- withholding order issued by another state and received for enforcement is subject to the same penalties that may be imposed for noncompliance with an order issued by a tribunal of this State.
37.An employer who willfully fails to comply with an income- withholding order issued by another state and received for enforcement is subject to the same penalties that may be imposed for noncompliance with an order issued by a tribunal of this State.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
NJSA 2A:4-30.100 Immunity from civil liability for employer.
NJSA 2A:4-30.100 Immunity from civil liability for employer.
An employer who complies with an income-withholding order issued in another state in accordance with this article is not subject to civil liability to an individual or agency with regard to the employer's withholding child support from the obligor's income.

NJSA 2A:4-30.99 Satisfaction of multiple orders of withholding.
NJSA 2A:4-30.99 Satisfaction of multiple orders of withholding.
If an obligor's employer receives multiple orders to withhold support from the earnings of the same obligor, the employer shall be deemed to have satisfied the terms of the multiple orders if the law of the state of the obligor's principal place of employment to establish the priorities for withholding and allocating income withheld for multiple child support obligees is complied with.

NJSA 2A:4-30.98 Income-withholding order received by employer, compliance.
NJSA 2A:4-30.98 Income-withholding order received by employer, compliance.
34. a. Upon receipt of an income-withholding order, the obligor's employer shall immediately provide a copy of the order to the obligor.
The employer shall treat an income-withholding order issued in another state which appears regular on its face as if it had been issued by a tribunal of this State.
Except as otherwise provided in subsection d. of this section and section 35 of this act, the employer shall withhold and distribute the funds as directed in the withholding order by complying with terms of the order, which specify:
the duration and amount of periodic payments of current child support, stated as a sum certain;
the person or agency designated to receive payments and the address to which the payments are to be forwarded;
health care coverage, whether in the form of periodic cash payment, stated as a sum certain, or ordering the obligor to provide health insurance coverage for the child under a policy available through the obligor's employment;
the amount of periodic payments of fees and costs for a support enforcement agency, the issuing tribunal, and the obligee's attorney, stated as sums certain; and
the amount of periodic payments of arrearages and interest on arrearages, stated as sums certain.
The employer shall comply with the law of the state of the obligor's principal place of employment for withholding from income with respect to:
the employer's fee for processing an income-withholding obligation;
the maximum amount permitted to be withheld from the obligor's income; and
the time periods within which the employer must implement the withholding order and forward the child support payments.

NJSA 2A:4-30.97 Income-withholding order issued out-of-State sent to payor.
NJSA 2A:4-30.97 Income-withholding order issued out-of-State sent to payor.
An income-withholding order issued in another state may be sent to the person or entity defined as the obligor's payor under P.L.1981, c.417 (C.2A:17-56.7 et al.), P.L.1985, c.278 (C.2A:17-56.16 et seq.) and P.L.1998, c.1 (C.2A:17-56.7a et al.) without first filing a complaint, petition or comparable pleading or registering the order with a tribunal of this State.

NJSA 2A:4-30.96 Issuance of support order, temporary child support order.
NJSA 2A:4-30.96 Issuance of support order, temporary child support order.
32. a. If a support order entitled to recognition under this act has not been issued, a responding tribunal of this State may issue a support order if:
the individual seeking the order resides in another state; or
the support enforcement agency seeking the order is located in another state.
The tribunal may issue a temporary child support order if:
the respondent has signed a verified statement acknowledging parentage;
the respondent has been determined by or pursuant to law to be the parent; or
there is other clear and convincing evidence that the respondent is the child's parent.
Upon finding, after notice and opportunity to be heard, that an obligor owes a duty of support, the tribunal shall issue a support order directed to the obligor and may issue other orders pursuant to section 17 of this act.

NJSA 2A:4-30.95 Prompt disbursement of amounts received.
NJSA 2A:4-30.95 Prompt disbursement of amounts received.
A support enforcement agency shall disburse promptly any amounts received pursuant to a support order, as directed by the order. The agency or tribunal shall furnish to a requesting party or tribunal of another state a certified statement by the custodian of the record of the amounts and dates of all payments received.

NJSA A:4-30.94 Interstate discovery matters.
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